Thursday, January 24, 2013

Snow Day!!

It seems we have 1-2 snow days a year.  Erik LOVES snow and was so so so excited to wake up and find 3-4 inches of snow on the ground this morning.  When Victor left for work he told Erik to "have a fun day" and Erik excitedly responded, " Of course it is a fun day!  It SNOWED!"  So cute!!

As expected, school was cancelled due to the snow.  (Having grown up in Wisconsin, the snow cancelation policy in the DC area always makes me chuckle.)  I was happy to have a day at home with all three kids!  Either Victor or I have been out of town the last two weekends plus a trip to DC one day for me and two days of work and I feel like I haven't spent a lot of time at home during the past 10 days. 

Anyway, we started the day with snow ice cream!  I just added a little sugar, vanilla, and milk to a big pot of snow and gave the kids that for breakfast.  They thought that was a lot of fun!! 

I did serve them a real breakfast too but Erik was so excited to get outside that he couldn't even eat.  (My sweet boy!)  He headed outside at 7:45.  I bundled up the other two and we joined him about 10 minutes later.  The neighbors couldn't stand to be inside when we were outside so soon they came outside and played and went sledding with us too.  By 8:15 both Lainey and Carson were crying to go inside.  Ha! 
Rosy cheeks are playing outside for 3 hours

Erik stayed outside until 11:00 and he only came inside then because his buddies were going home and he was hungry.  Haha!  
Sweet Madison reading books to Lily, Lainey, and Carson

Our neighbor Madison came over when she got cold and watched Cinderella with Lainey.  I played a few rounds of "Boom-ba!" with Carson and then started cooking.  

My friend Amy and her daughter Lily joined us inside too while her 6 year old played outside with Erik and James.  

It was a fun day!!

After lunch I put Carson and Lainey down for a nap.  Erik went over to James' house and Erik, Tyler and James spent the afternoon playing Monopoly.  Erik seemed to think that was quite fun - I'm pretty sure he'd never played it before. 

My sassy girl

After the two littles woke up from their naps we headed back outside.  Erik stayed outside until it was dark! Haha!  He was fast asleep by 7:10 tonight. 

I love the snow and sledding too and would have loved to join him for more than 30 minutes in the morning and afternoon but I have no doubt he had a blast and was not missing me one bit! 

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