Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Project Joy!

1) Flannel sheets
2) Bright, sunny 55 degree day in January
3) Playing at the park with my kids
4) Erik and J playing and singing their own version of a Darth Vador song at the keyboard
5)My sweet daughter taking such good care of her babies

6) After dinner walks with Erik in the dark (he loves to wear his headlamp)

7) Erik getting excited about spotting the first star in the sky
8) Sweet, sweet Carson singing all day long!

9) Being married to a dishwasher and bathroom cleaner.  Thank you honey!

What are you giving thanks for today?!
Leave a comment and let me know!
(I took down the word verification thing for those of you who hate those - Grandma!)


Julie said...

The flannel sheets and 55 degree weather seem like a contradiction to me. :) I'm thankful for you.

mom2three said...

1. Being married to a man who wants to teach Sunday School and join Bible Study groups and does it.

2. Having wonderful neighbors! We are truly blessed for that! We do, however, miss a particular family down the street...

3. Having friends who inspire me (like you!)

4. Being able to stay home with my kids.

5. Having access to healthy food and being able to afford it.

6. That my Mom is still with me here are on Earth.

7. Parents living nearby that are so willing, flexible and generous to help us out with child care.

8. Having an easy access, perfect sided sledding hill right outside our door.

9. That the kids and Kurt convinced me to adopt a kitty...we love our Nala.

10. Healthy children.

Thanks for your friendship, Ann! I am thankful for you sharing your thoughts and being able to keep up at least this way! You are inspiring!
