Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Joy Project!

I feel like I've been really running behind on things recently, blog included!  So you'll just have to stay caught up with us via the joy project!  Eventually I will get my camera back out so you remember what the kids look like and write a real post.

48)  Longer days - it was light on my drive home from work today!  Yay!

49) Good news for my friends! and another person I love!

50) Kind colleagues

51) Heated van seats! (It's been cold over here!)

52) A helpful husband who adjusts his work schedule on the days I work so the kids are only with the sitter for 8 hours (he gets up very early)

53) A fun trip to WI

54) Landing on the ground in one piece -- our last flight was super turbulent! I was very glad to get off of that plane!

What are you thankful for today?!


mom2mlg said...

I am thankful for you! Thank you for challenging me to continue thinking about what foods I am giving my family. I just made my third batch of whole milk yogurt and am going to get another set of jars so that I can get some skim milk yogurt in the rotation too. Super easy and Manning is loving it! Thank you.

Our family said...

That's so nice Michelle! I'm glad the yogurt maker is working out. You inspired me to order an extra set of jars, my kids go through one batch in 36 hours if I don't limit them. :) I've never made it with skim milk - usually use 2%. Let me know if it works.