Monday, February 28, 2011

February Budget

How did we do??

Food:  -$1 (made it!)
Entertainment: -$61
Extra: +$20

(We could have come in over $500 but I was trying to bump up on household goods before our expensive month of March arrives.)

What were the big expenses?

1) Our household fixed expenses including gas, electric, and insurance are still at their highest (we think)
2)  Auto gas: $225
3) Medical Bills: $205
4) Extra month of tuition for Erik's preschool down payment for fall
5) High cut and highlight for me!
6)  Lainey's big girl room bedding, etc.

How are we feeling about being on a budget?


I was really, really worried when we moved that we wouldn't be able to make ends meet on the new, lower salary OR that doing so would require us to cut out all extras (dates, hair cuts, kids classes). It is encouraging to see that we are able to make it work plus their is a lot of freedom in KNOWING that when we buy things it is already accounted for - no guessing as to whether or not it was a smart purchase.

It does limit impulsive purchases somewhat and is slightly frustrating not to be able to shop for things, even very necessary things, without planning ahead.  Things like spring clothes, household supplies, lunches out, birthday gifts, etc. are all planned and accounted for before actually spending the money.  This is certainly a smart way to live but a switch for me.

What big expenses are we facing in March?

Having a baby!
Hosting family for about 2 weeks.
We owe $350 for Lainey's tubes.
I would like to build a raised garden bed and print out my blog from 2010 (they are on sale now).
Registration for the next session of gymnastics is due next week.

March is going to be a TOUGH month to save $500 from his basic paycheck.  We'll see if we make it.  If we do it will be quite an accomplishment! 

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Notable Moments - Lainey

We switched Lainey to her "big girl" bed a few days ago.  She has done really well although more than once has come out of her room at nap time.  Today when I put her down for her nap she came out twice.  She didn't really fuss just stood by her door with a big sad lip whimpering.  I rubbed her back for a minute and she went to sleep (after I left the room of course!).

I have not been feeling great (head cold) plus I am very pregnant so I took a nap while the kids were napping today.  I turned Lainey's monitor up really loud as I wasn't sure what she would do if she woke up first. 

Well, I woke up about 1.5 hours after I laid down.  I KNEW the second I woke up that Lainey had to be awake already.  Sure enough her bedroom door was open and she was no where to be found.  Great.

I quickly went downstairs, calling out to Lainey,  not sure what I was going to find.  I was slightly panicked as Lainey can open the doors to get outside if they are not dead bolted (they all were thankfully). 

As soon as I got downstairs I see Lainey perched in the middle of the couch "reading" a book.  When she noticed me she looked up and said....

Lainey:  " Hi mama!"  "Shh!  Baby nap."

She had tucked her baby doll under a blanket and it was laying next to her on the couch.

Me:  What are you doing Lainey??

Lainey:  Choo choo book!

Me:  You are down here all by yourself?  Did you look for mommy after you woke up? 

Lainey:  Mama nap.

No concern from her at all.  She went back to "reading" her book. 

Yikes!  She does make me laugh although I am extremely grateful nothing bad happened as 20 month old kids really probably shouldn't be taking care of themselves.

Her door handle has now been reversed so we can lock her in her room if we happen to be sleeping at the same time that she is asleep.  Little stinker! 

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Notable Quotes - Lainey

Last night we stayed at Karen's house so we would be close to the surgery center for Lainey's tube procedure. 

I thought I would cuddle with Lainey until she fell asleep since she wasn't familiar with her surroundings. She laid in my arms for 2-3 minutes then picked up her head, looked directly at me and said.... 

"Mama.  Go out!"  

Okay Laines!  Funny girl - can't stand to be touched when going to sleep.  I can't stand it either so I completely understand but find it kind of hilarious that she is so clear about it.  I left the room and when I checked on her a minute later she was fast asleep.  Sweet girl!

Ear Tubes

Waiting for Tubes!

Everything went well today.
Lainey and I stayed at my friend Karen's house last night because she lives 5 minutes from the surgery center and we live 90 minutes away.
Lainey slept great - from 7:30 to 6:30 (she went directly from bed to the car as we had to be there by 6:45 this morning).  
She woke up once at 11:54 PM requesting milk.  I thought this was funny as it was a very unusual request and only 6 minutes before she was supposed to be NPO so I let her have milk at midnight. 
I didn't sleep great.  I have a terrible sore throat plus I was feeling somewhat anxious and kept dreaming about possible surgery complications.  Oh well!  
Thankfully none of those dreams came true!

We got to the surgery center at 6:45.  The check in process was quick and Lainey charmed everyone she met.  She talked to everyone and took great care of her baby doll.
She was given some tylenol with codeine which seemed to kick in about 20 minutes after they gave it too her.  She was very tired and told me she wanted to take a nap.  She couldn't sit up on her own and was kind of floppy in general from it.  
Once that kicked in we went back to the OR.  I laid her down.  The CRNA and anesthesiologist told me she would likely fight the mask.  I told them I doubted it as she LOVES Erik's nebulizer.  

I asked her if she wanted a "breathing treatment."  She said yes and took the mask without any problems.  She was floppy and sleeping within 30 seconds.  I gave her a quick kiss and went back out to the waiting room.  No tears from anyone at this point.  

After 20 minutes Dr. Orfaly came out to let me know everything went well. 
He was able to drain a lot of fluid out of the left ear.  There wasn't much in the right ear.

5-10 minutes later the nurses came to get me.
Poor baby girl was SO upset.  Just crying and flailing.
It was sad to see.  She calmed down enough to drink a large glass of juice but then
went right back onto wailing.  
She kept crying for about an hour - through the car ride back to Karen's
and for about 30 minutes after we got there. 
She drank some milk and ate a bowl of cheerios and the crying stopped.
She snuggled on my lap for another 30-60 minutes and then went about life as
though nothing big had happened. 

I did fine until after I got back to Karen's when she was still SO upset.
I spent about 30 seconds teared up and then regained composure.  

I am glad it is over and that she did well.
I think (hope) it was the right decision and hope that she feels better soon!

If you call I may not answer. I still have a killer sore throat. (Darn Viruses!)
Erik is also a little under the weather.  He has had a cough with thick yellow snot for close to a month 
so I finally took him in and he is now on antibiotics for a sinus infection.  

Thanks for your thoughts and prayers!
One more thing off of the list before the baby is born!

Monday, February 21, 2011


is scheduled to have her "tubes" placed tomorrow February 22nd at 7:30 am Eastern time.  Please be praying that the procedure goes well and there are no complications.  Thanks!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

35 weeks

No big changes during the past 2 weeks.  Still feeling good - some heartburn and fatigue but nothing really worth complaining about.  Up 19 pounds. Still going to the gym 5-6 days a week.

We have baby's room just about completed now.  Lainey switched from the crib to "big girl" bed without any problems. She really likes her big bed and seems quite proud of it.  So cute!  So far she hasn't made any attempts to get out of bed - we'll see if that lasts.

I find it hard to believe that I had Lainey 2 weeks and 2 days from now (Erik was born 3 weeks from now).  I am very ready to meet my little boy.  Can't wait! That being said my anticipation of bringing home a 3rd baby seems different this time.  It really seems almost unreal - like I anticipate delivering him and then not being pregnant anymore but still only having 2 kids.   I am not feeling anxious about the upcoming delivery I think it just seems like it isn't really happening.  I am not sure if that is just because I am busy and have had less time to think about how our family will function with 3 kids.  Or maybe it's because none of my good friends are having their 3rd babies yet.  Last time I was pregnant 4 out of 5 of us in playgroup had our second babies within 3 months of each other - I was the last to deliver so lots of anticipation and build up.  In addition to that this is the first time my cousin Julie and I haven't been pregnant together so that has changed some of the anticipation too.  Part of it may also be a hesitance to take a healthy baby/delivery for granted as not everyone is so lucky to have that experience as we have been unfortunately been reminded of this fall.

Again, I am not feeling anxious or worried about things just different than I did with the last two.  I will be thankful when we get to meet this little guy!

Thursday, February 17, 2011


No one figured out the significance behind this number.
I really can't blame you as my clues where quite vague.  
Here's the answer!  You will be impressed!

1) (a BMI of) 33 is equal to 233 (pounds)

2) (a BMI of) 25.9 is equal to 183 (pounds)

Why is Victor's face blocked out of these photos?? 
3 guesses...
a. He is part of the witness protection program
b. He is using a body double and didn't want anyone to know.
c.  While very book smart has not yet realized that when taking photos of yourself in a mirror
it is best to turn off the flash!

3) 11/26/2005

This is our anniversary and only  significance behind this number is when I moved myself and the scale into Victor's house and he started tracking his weight.  

How did he do it??

Well, all the gym rats reading this (myself included) will be a little jealous.
Basically he stopped eating crap and I started cooking for him!
Moe's, chipotle, pizza, ice cream, and chinese take out have been replaced with
healthy nutritious home cooked meals.  

He plays volleyball once a week and runs occasionally but otherwise doesn't spend a lot of time formally exercising. (This is where the jealous part comes in to play!)

How long did it take?? 

5.5 years
He lost the first 35 during the first two years we were married
and then just kind of sat at 200 for a while.
Another 5-7 pounds dropped off during the past 2 years.
The last 5-10 pounds have dropped off since we moved. Apparently, our 
budget has affected his diet more than he would have expected.  For the past 3 months EVERY lunch has been packed, NO treats from the vending machine or coffee shop, and very little ice cream consumption as I have not been buying it (nor has he as he bought most ice cream that was in our house).  The man LOVES ice cream and most likely ate 14-15 servings a week in addition to any other baked goods I may have made.  Cutting 2500 calories of ice cream out of his diet a week has probably been all the change he needed to lose 10 pounds since we moved!  

Anyway I am....

PROUD of your willingness to change your lifestyle

THANKFUL that you are able to keep up with your kids and sassy wife!

GRATEFUL that being 50 pounds lighter means you will likely be around an extra 10 years (which is important since I am almost 8 years younger)! 

CONGRATS Honey - may you be an inspiration to others!

Notable Quotes- Erik

At lunch today:

Erik:  Mom watch me!  Did you know that I don't need napkins to clean my face I can just use my tongue.

I watch as he very proudly licks all the way around his mouth.

Me:  Honey, that's kind of gross.  I think you should probably still use napkins.  Who taught you that neat trick?

Erik:  Victor!

Me:  You mean daddy?!  (giggling to myself)

Erik:  Yep.  Victor taught me how to clean my face without a napkin.  I'm just like a cat.

Ha Ha Ha!!  Funny kid!  Somehow, although I have not verified, I am fairly confident that Victor did not teach our son that fancy skill.

I added a clue to the "50" post!  Keep guessing - I'll let you know the true meaning behind it tomorrow or when someone gets it right - what ever comes first!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Is a pretty big deal around here today! 
I am going to make you guess the significance though!  Ha! 
Here are a few clues....

1) 33 is equal to 233
2) 25.9
3) 11/26/05 - our anniversary; only mentioned as this is the starting point towards the "50" milestone!

Any guesses??

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

20 Months

Hi Baby Little Girl!

You are 20 months old now!  You have changed so much during the past two months!  You definitely seem like a little girl rather than a baby now.  Here is what you are up to....


Potty trained:
Completely during the day.  It has been close to a week since your last accident.  You do wear a diaper during your nap and at night.  I am sure you don't need one during your nap as you always wake up dry but I don't want an accident to disrupt your nap.

Continues to improve.  You speak in sentences most of the day putting up to 5 words together. You use the pronouns ME and I correctly.  You can say almost anything.  We always know what you want!

One of your favorite activities.  You can do almost every board puzzle we have independently with the exception of the alphabet puzzle.  I am really impressed with this because Erik really showed no interest in puzzles until he was 2.5 years old.

You are pretty much down to taking one nap a day.  You get pretty crabby/tired by 11:00 or 11:30.  If we are home I put you down for a nap then.  If I know we will be gone until later I try to figure out a way to have you take a short morning nap.  This doesn't always work.  You usually sleep 2-3 hours.
At night you sleep close to 11 hours.

Very vocal and friendly.  You say hi and bye to strangers.  You love to play with Erik and look out for him.  I love watching the two of you becoming friends.  You are very playful and love to play chase, swing on the doorway swing downstairs, play outside, gymnastics class, help in the kitchen, puzzles, looking at books, BABIES!, cats/dogs, anything Erik is doing.
You are still super sassy.  If something upsets you we know about it.  Things you hate -- the stroller, not being able to buckle yourself into/out of the car seat, being restrained in anyway, not being able to go outside when you want to, sharing your toys, etc.  If you are mad about something Erik is doing you not only fight back but cry so loud anyone who didn't know you well would assume you had been terribly injured when you are just mad.  Little Stinker!

You are very smart and I am convinced you are already lying to me in order to get what you want.  Multiple times you have used the excuse , "I need to go poop/potty/" to get out of something you don't want to do.  Ride in the stroller, ride in the car seat, wait at the doctor's office.  I can sometimes tell if you are telling the truth or not as you will try this line out 5 minutes after going to the bathroom.  Other times I am not sure and since the potty training is new I hate to ignore it.  I have disrupted a doctor's visit and stopped at Panera before due to your persistent crying/screaming/yelling that you need to "poop" only to be proven a fool because as soon as we get to the bathroom you will say, " All done.  Out mama."  Errr!  I am not sure when it will be appropriate to force you to wait regardless - soon I think. 

This is no longer a battle.  You are a pretty good eater now.  I have noticed that you really dislike water which is strange to me.  I have started to water down your milk 50/50 part of the time or you will go throughout the day drinking less than one glass of water.  Erik and I drink tons of water; Victor doesn't drink enough water either.

At this point I would consider you a "daddy's girl."  If we are both home you tend to prefer him.  It is not so bad that you look for him when he is gone though which is good.
You love babies and seem to have some understanding that mommy has one in her tummy.  You also think you and Erik have babies in your tummies though. :)
You are still sleeping in the crib.  We were going to switch you out of it this weekend but you had a fever/cough.  Sometime this week we need to get that done.  I think you will be excited to have a "big girl bed" but I am afraid you will get out of it a lot.  We'll see.
You get tubes in your ears next week.  I am nervous but looking forward to having it done.  I am fairly certain your ears have been bothering you daily for 2-3 months now.  Poor baby girl - I can't imagine how that you would feel.

You are a sweet, little girl who makes us smile and laugh multiple times a day.  We love you lots!!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Swimsuit Model

I did a little spring shopping for the kids this weekend since Kohl's was having a big sale.  I found this adorable swimsuit for Lainey.  When I got home I got it out to show it to Victor who happened to be holding Lainey (both kids have had coughs and fevers all weekend so they've been held a lot!). 

Me to Victor:  Isn't this swimming suit cute?

Victor:  Yes. 

Lainey:  Hands Victor her baby doll and bottle and takes the swimming suit out of my hands.  She looks  up and down the front of it and then turns it around to look at the back of the suit.  She then looks up at me and very loudly, with a look of amazement,  says, "WOW!" 

Victor and Me:  Laugh at our silly girl.

Lainey: She then takes her shirt off - points at the swimming suit and says, "On pease!"  Once I got it on her she strutted around and made sure that Erik, Victor, and I all got to see her new suit.  Such a funny little girl!

Valentines Day Fondue

My family has had cheese and chocolate fondue for Christmas dinner/dessert for about 20 years.  I love it!  It is a terribly caloric meal but oh so good!  Erik had chocolate fondue for the first time when we were in WI this Christmas.  It was quite funny because at first he wanted nothing to do with the chocolate.  I put some on his plate and he refused to eat it.  Once he figured out it was chocolate and that he could use a long spear to dip his fruit into it he was very excited!

4 ounces of 60% dark chocolate chips
4 ounces of semi-sweet chocolate chips
1 teaspoon Vanilla
1 cup of cream
1-2 tablespoons of peanut butter

A few weeks ago Erik discovered that we also own a fondue pot and since then has been requesting have fondue for dinner.  I thought Valentines Day was the perfect occasion for that.  Both kids were very excited!  It was fun!

Lainey LOVES fruit but it seems
 she likes chocolate even more as she would
dip a piece of fruit in chocolate, suck the chocolate off and
dip the same piece of fruit back in again.  Ha!

Of course I ate too much and the already fairly bad heartburn I've been having is bound to be even worse tonight.  Oh well!

Happy Valentines Day!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Soft Pretzels

I stole this idea from my friend Kristal.  It was an easy fun project and provided dinner for the family!

 Erik actually made a pretzel.
Lainey made a ball which she tried to throw!
When I put it in the oven she yelled and cried but 
was quite excited to see the end result.  
Silly girl!

You can find the recipe here....

I used half of the dough as pizza dough and the rest for pretzels.
I did not follow the instructions regarding boiling the pretzels.
I just baked them in the oven at 425 degrees for 10-15 minutes until brown.

P.S.  If you click on the photo of Lainey you can see a pretty accurate representation of our green walls.  In addition to an area that will be touched up this weekend - our 3 year old helper was a bit eager!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Nesting Projects

I Victor has never been more productive than he has been the last few weeks.  I am on a mission to get rid of as many white walls as possible before the baby is born.  He painted Erik and Lainey's bedrooms before we moved in.  During the past month he has painted the baby's room, the family room, and now the kitchen.  I did help with the baby's room and family room a little but didn't touch the kitchen. 

Now I just have to see what color would go well in the downstairs bathroom and dining room?!  Ha!  Poor Victor!

 The kitchen is the same color as the baby's room -- Wasabi Green from Lowe's. 
I don't know why it looks yellow and brown in the photos.
Below is fairly close to what it looks like in real life. 
I guess you will just have to come visit us to see for sure!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

33 Weeks

Getting bigger!  

How am I feeling??

Overall, I am still doing well.  I have been MUCH more tired the past 2 weeks. Some days it seems almost as intense as first trimester fatigue.  Heartburn has kicked in - Zantac helps.  It's not as bad as it was with Erik but worse than it was with Lainey.  I have also started getting braxton hicks contractions on a fairly consistent basis.

How is baby?? 

Still seems to be fine. He has been quite active.  He really likes to kick me in the ribs on my right side.  Ouch!

OB appointment:

Everything went well.  I measured 31 cm at 33 weeks.  I am up 17-18 pounds.

Physical Activity:

Hasn't changed much - still taking weight lifting classes 3 days a week.  The baby likes to move around during the class which is funny because you can see him moving in the mirror.  I also try to get 3 days of cardio in a week.  I anticipate slowing down in 2-3 weeks but my doctor encourages as much physical activity as possible as long as I am still comfortable.  No problem!

I am definitely feeling pregnant now and looking forward to meeting baby boy soon!

Friday, February 4, 2011

Notable Moments - Erik

1)  Erik has always been a sweet, cuddly little boy.  He loves to sit on my lap, snuggle in bed, etc.  During the past few weeks he has really gotten interested in feeling the baby kick.  Almost every night, while I am laying on the couch or tucking him into bed, he will snuggle up with me with his hand on my stomach feeling baby boy.  He gets so excited when the baby kicks him.  So cute!  I hope he never loses his tender heart. 

2)  A couple weeks ago Victor was out of town.  Lainey doesn't like to sit still ever but LOVES babies so I rented the documentary "Babies" and let the kids watch it (hoping Lainey would sit still for 30 minutes).  I was in the kitchen for most of the movie cleaning up.  I could see the movie I wasn't paying close attention.  I did happen to notice that they showed the tail end of a baby being born -- discretely but enough to get the picture. 

Erik didn't react or say much about it so I figured it didn't make an impression.  I was wrong.  A few days after watching the movie he was sitting at the counter eating lunch.  He was talking to himself and suddenly I hear him say....

"  Push.  Please, push!"  
"Okay!  Here is your baby!" 
"Mom, did you know that the baby's head comes out first and then it's feet?"

Ha Ha Ha!!  
Guess he was watching/listening.
I know having a 3 year old with a basic idea of how babies are born would make a lot of parents squeamish but it really doesn't bother me.  I actually would prefer that he have a simple, non-scary idea of what is going to happen since he has been asking about it anyway.

ENT update

We saw the ENT today.  Dr. Orfaly at Metro ENT.  He was great.  Thanks for the recommendation Karen! He agreed that she still has an infected left ear plus residual fluid (but no infection) in the right ear.  He thinks she is a prime candidate for tubes.

So her procedure will be February 22nd at 6:45 am! It will probably only take 10-15 minutes. She will be sedated using versed and gas (nitric oxide-I presume). NO IV's or intubation.  All our peds GI patients were intubated for procedures - I am glad she won't be.

We left with yet another prescription but I am hopeful this will be the last.  Once she has tubes things should be able to drain on their own and we should be able to treat any infection with ear drops.

I am slightly anxious about the procedure but  it has become clear to me that this is what is in her best interest so I am looking forward to having it done.  Hopefully, the poor baby will feel better again soon!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Rough Day

My sassy pants has had a rough day.  I can't really blame her because her left ear is still quite infected.  Her right ear looks clear but the left looks painful.  Awful really. Good thing we are going to the ENT tomorrow.  She hasn't had a fever since Monday but her already sassy personality has an extra dose of crabiness and poor sleeping so she isn't the only one who has had a rough week. 

Despite not feeling great she hasn't lost her sense of adventure.... 

 My little gymnast
You should see her on this swing- no fear and she is strong!

 Waiting for the bounce house to inflate
 Where's Lainey?
Come Play!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

First Pony

This cute little girl is sporting her first ever pony tail today!
I didn't think it was quite long enough but it fit.

She seems to be feeling better.  When she woke up Tuesday she was fever-free and stayed that 
way throughout the day. Her ear looks better to me too (not quite normal but improved).
She does has have a cold again but who doesn't?
So weird that she was so sick appearing Monday afternoon and essentially normal yesterday.