Sunday, September 28, 2014

Work Stuff

We have been SO busy over here during the past couple of months.  Too busy to update the blog, but I don't want to completely neglect it, so here goes!

I've been working part-time for the past two years as an outpatient GI PA.  I worked in as a GI clinic in Wisconsin as well, pre-kids.  I have really loved my job here.  I work with an excellent physician.  He is extremely smart and expects a lot but I don't mind that.  He trusts me and we work very well together.

I was hired to work just 10 hours a week.  I can really dictate my own schedule so when they need extra help I have often works picked up an extra 2-4 days a month (working about 12-15 hours a week on average). 

We've lucked out and had very good babysitters during the past two years.  Victor also has a fairly flexible schedule, so on my work days, he goes in very early and is home by 3:30 PM so he can get the kids off of the bus.

The practice I work in has just two providers, two medical assistants, and a receptionist.  We are part of a bigger corporation with a total of around 30 providers (MDs, PAs, NPs).  I'm guessing there is around 60 support staff as well.  Well, the two administrators that run the entire organization both quit within a month of each other.  The hospital we are associated with, hired someone new to replace the head administrator.  This guy was a mistake.   He got fired within 2 months of being hired but during his short tenure I believe 13 of 60 support staff were either fired or quit.  

One of the medical assistants in the GI clinic was on this list of fired/quit personnel.  There was a LOT of drama  surrounding this which is primarily done, but that was stressful.  In addition to her departure, the other MA is on maternity leave.  The physician I work with is at an advanced training course for 3 months.  Right before he left for that, they hired a brand new NP for the GI clinic.  She is very nice, but knows absolutely nothing (her training was inadequate) about gastroenterology (I did not meet her before they hired her). 

So, if you noticed the GI clinic has lost 2 MA's and the physician is on a 3 month advanced training course (out of country). 

This has left me to cover two providers patients by myself plus the responsibility of training the new NP.  All without any consistent office staff.  

Because patient care is of utmost importance to me, I have been working from home everyday.  Answering any phone messages and calling patients with questions/concerns from my personal cell phone.   The two days I've been at work have been 12 hour days.  

My fun little job has been a bit of a nightmare during the past 6 weeks.

Thankfully, it will only be like this for 5 more weeks, as that's when the doctor I work with will be back.   This helps me because he covers patient phone calls on the days I'm not at work (I cover them for both of us on the days I'm at work) and the paper work gets divided between the two of us.

The bad administrator that was fired, was replaced by someone much, much better.  She has promised to pay me for the time I've been putting in at home.  But, Friday afternoon, I got an e-mail from her, concerned that my last paycheck was for 45 hours (I have not charged them for any of the time I've worked from home yet) and I'm only budgeted for 32 hours a pay period.   She was wondering what the problem was and suggested that maybe I could do more of my paperwork between patients, rather than late at night. 

I quickly (politely) reminded her that I am covering two providers patients and training a "student" all on a part-time schedule with NO office staff.  Haha!  

She backed down fast, and just suggested I call security and let them know if I am there past 6 PM (think 9 PM) in the future so they can walk me out.  She also reassured me that I would be paid for the time I am working, even though it will continue to be more than 32 hours a pay period until my colleague returns.  Ugh!
 Despite the staffing/administrative issues recently, I really think we provide good patient care that rivals (or beats) the care from the much, much larger GI practice I worked at in Milwaukee.

This is why the blog has been very, very quiet! I trust my fun job will return to a more normal status come mid-November.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Notable Moments: Convo with Carson

Me: Carson, please get Kyle a kleenex.
Carson: Green eggs and ham?
Me: No Carson, a Kleenex,
Carson: Green eggs and ham? (Asked with a pot on his head.)
Me: No Carson. A kleenex, or a paper towel.
Carson: (Walks a few steps) A snack cup, MOmmy?
Me: Carson, please. Go get Kyle a paper towel.
He walks into the pantry and brings out some crackers.
Carson: This mommy?
(I work very hard not to roll my eyes.)
Me: No Carson, a paper towel.
Carson: I don't know where they are Mommy!
Me: Fine, then just grab some toilet paper please.

(I swear my kids are pretty smart although moments like this make me wonder. Moments like this also make me happy I work 2 days a week.)

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Kyle -12 Months

My sweet baby boy is ONE! 
What a year it has been!
It's been a hard year and babies certainly aren't easy but they most 
definitely are snuggly little blessings.  
I'm so thankful for baby Kyle!

What's Kyle up to at 12 months?


- Kyle has really changed this month
He seems older because he interacts with us more

-He says a few words: 
Mama, all done, uh (oh),  buh (for bye), and 
Eraw (for Erik, I think, although he says this at other times as well)

-He waves goodbye (he LOVES the bus and waves frantically at it)
- He has learned how to point at things and seems quite amused by this
-Peek-a-boo and Chase are his favorite games

-No walking yet although he cruises along furniture and will stand 
alone for a couple seconds if he is distracted (and forgets to hold onto something)

His self-feeding skills have improved drastically in the past two weeks
He also suddenly went from eating almost exclusively pureed foods to mostly table foods
He loves blueberries, watermelon, cheese, bananas, muffins
He really seems to enjoy eating in general and happily ate cucumber and tomato for lunch today

He is still nursing 4-5 times in 24 hours.
My supply has been so much lower this time!
We made it to one year with no supplemental formula, but I have only ONE
bag of frozen milk left in the freezer!
Working part-time, being under great stress while Daron was sick, and traveling
without Kyle (twice to California, once to WI, and once to KS) has hurt my supply.
We will transition to (organic) cows milk slowly now (if he is able to tolerate it).

 Kyle has been a pretty good sleeper for us.
He does still get up once at night fairly often.
I still nurse him if he gets up (because it's quick and easy) but plan to cut this
out for good in the next week or so. 

He likes his "plug" still for sleeping.
He goes to bed awake.  
He cries sometimes, other times he just goes right to sleep.
He takes two naps a day.


He's been a healthy baby.
No antibiotics during his first year of life. (Yay!)
He was my only baby without reflux too!
He has never had an ear infection, but starting in early May
had fluid in his middle ear every time the doctor's checked them.
After 12 weeks of this, I took him in for an ENT consult.
They agreed he had bilateral fluid. 
A hearing test showed mild hearing "loss" attributed to the fluid. 
So ON his 1st birthday, Kyle became Chen baby #3 to get tubes in his ears.
He did well, no complications from the procedure.

Kyle also appears somewhat cross-eyed in his photos.
I think this is due to being half-Asian but he will
see an pediatric opthamologist tomorrow.

He weighs about 21 pounds.
I think he is close to 30 inches but I don't know for sure!


Kyle has a big personality.
He LOVES to be held.  All.The.Time!
And being held doesn't make him happy unless you are
walking around and busy. 
He is a very, very loud shrieking baby.
If he isn't being held he tends to follow me from place to
place shrieking.  Hahaha!

He is a big mama's boy at the moment.
He does well with our sitter's at home, but 
freaks out completely if I try to put him in the church or gym daycare.
He does not go willingly to anyone else if I am holding him (most of the time)
but once they have him, his protests are short lived.

He is a playful little guy.
He loves to be chased, play peek-a-boo, play with balls,
climb in the dishwasher, and play outside.

He loves to be messy and dirty. 
Dirtier the better for this kid! 

He likes his siblings but doesn't want them to pick him up
or touch him (unless he initiates it).
He likes to tackle Carson which is pretty cute!

He is still a little bit grumpy but this is likely 
related to his desire to be held all.the.time and being
the 4th baby which makes it difficult to meet this need every second.

He has a LOT of hair and it is long enough that it finally lays down.
I love his big 'ol head of hair!

Sweet baby Kyle!
We love you and are so glad you are part of our family!
Happy Birthday dear one!