Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Carson - 22 Months!

Can you believe my baby is almost 2?!  
He still seems like my baby but more and more I look down at him and see a little boy.
A sweet sweet little boy! 

What's Carson been up to this month??

- His speech has taken off quite drastically!  He is consistently using two word phrases now and will make an attempt to say most words if asked.  He is starting to ennuciate more clearly as well.  "Way way" is now "Waynie".

- He LOVES books.  He follows me around the house books all day long.  His favorite books are Hop On Pop (any Dr. Seuss book really) and the "find a hidden object books".   He will happily let anyone read to him.  Lainey has quite a few books memorized and will "read" the Dr. Seuss and Chicka Chicka Boom Boom books to him with quite a bit of animation.  So cute!!

- He also loves trains.  We moved the train table into his room a couple of months ago.  It's a big hit!

- Carson still loves to EAT!!  Man does that kid have an appetite.  It seems like he has been starving for a good 2 months.  It will be interesting to see his stats when he is two.

-Carson had an ear infection a couple of weeks ago.  Since he has tubes it was no big deal.  We just used the antibiotic drops and it stopped draining after 3 days.  In the last 24 hours he has picked up a junky cough.  We started the albuterol nebs already as his lungs are a tiny bit junky and I don't want to repeat what happened in November.   No fever or other cold symptoms so hopefully it will resolve quickly.

-Carson loves all of us quite passionately.  He greets anyone who comes home with a lot of enthusiasm and big hugs!  I love it!!  He also happens to be a bit possessive of my lap.  He particularly gets mad if Lainey is on my lap and tries to push her away.  (Poor girl!)

-Carson loves music and sings to himself all day long.  I love it and foresee some musical watching in my future (hopefully at least 1 of the trio will be a music "geek"!)

-Carson also LOVES his trike!!  He's only really thrown one large tantrum in his life and it was related to his trike.

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