Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Joy Project

71)  A babysitter that spends all day helping Erik knit a hat

72) Beautiful, spring like weather

73) Chirping birds

74)  2 hours of one-on-one time with Carson this morning - all spent outside!

75) Holding sweet baby Seth - our neighbors precious 2 week old baby boy.  I love newborns and apparently so does Lainey as she wanted to hold Seth as long as I would let her.  He's a 3rd born so his mom is quite relaxed thankfully. :)

76) Watching Carson "hold" baby Seth.  He was very insistent that he wanted to hold the baby.  But when I'd put Seth on his lap, Carson didn't know what to do.  He seemed to sit up super straight and kept his arms straight at his sides.  Haha!

77)  Erik reading baby Seth's shirt which said, " I love hugs."  When I was bringing Seth back to his mom I told the kids they could give him a quick kiss.  Erik said, " How about a hug mom.  It says he loves hugs."  So cute!

78) A hard work out tonight

79)  Long naps for Lainey and Carson

80)  Reading Laura Ingalls Wilder with Erik - I loved that series as a kid and still love it as a parent.  Ask me how I feel about it when I'm reading it to Carson but for now I like it!


Kristal said...

Can we see him wearing the finished hat?

Our family said...

The photo of him wearing the green knit hat is the one he made for himself. (It's somewhere on one of the recent posts.)

The hat he was making in the photo was for one of Lainey's baby dolls. I keep forgetting to take a picture of that one.