Thursday, January 31, 2013

Joy Project

81) Watching Carson pop bubbles in his Jump Bunch class - he gets so excited!

82) Carson shouting,  "No, Mine!"  and running as fast he can and jumping into my lap if another kid got to close to me at Jump Bunch.  Haha!  You'll always be mine sweet guy!

83)   Skipping a work out tonight and reading the book "Room" cover to cover instead.  It's a good book if you haven't read it yet!

84) Excellent report card for Erik today 

85) Doing puzzles with Lainey. She likes puzzles a lot more than Erik.  She independently does 48 piece jigsaw puzzles.  Erik just recently started doing that.  I like to watch their little brains work.

86) Kind teenagers.  Twice today I was very impressed with high schoolers in our neighborhood.   

Early this morning I went on a quick walk before Victor left for work.  I walked by a group of 20+ high schoolers waiting for the bus.  One guy that doesn't know me very well flashed a million dollar smile and waved at me.  I was so impressed that he didn't deem himself "too cool" to say hi in front of his peer group. 

The second kid plays soccer at the high school.  He has 4 younger siblings (and one older) and I often see him out in the yard playing with his 2 year old sister.  Anyway, as you know Erik loves soccer!  Winter soccer is over though and he's not currently in any other activities.  So I asked the teens' parents if he would be interested in coming over once a week to practice soccer skills with Erik.  He came over today and Erik had such a great time.   They kicked the ball around in the basement for 45-50 minutes.  Erik learned some new skills and had a lot of fun.  The teen seemed to enjoy himself too and interacted really well with Erik.   (I paid him $7 for the lesson  and you should've seen the big grin on his face.  Cute!)

It happens that these two nice teens I ran into today happen to be good friends!  I really hope my kids are like that when they are in high school. 

87)  Sleep - which I am headed for right now!

What brought you joy today?

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Joy Project

71)  A babysitter that spends all day helping Erik knit a hat

72) Beautiful, spring like weather

73) Chirping birds

74)  2 hours of one-on-one time with Carson this morning - all spent outside!

75) Holding sweet baby Seth - our neighbors precious 2 week old baby boy.  I love newborns and apparently so does Lainey as she wanted to hold Seth as long as I would let her.  He's a 3rd born so his mom is quite relaxed thankfully. :)

76) Watching Carson "hold" baby Seth.  He was very insistent that he wanted to hold the baby.  But when I'd put Seth on his lap, Carson didn't know what to do.  He seemed to sit up super straight and kept his arms straight at his sides.  Haha!

77)  Erik reading baby Seth's shirt which said, " I love hugs."  When I was bringing Seth back to his mom I told the kids they could give him a quick kiss.  Erik said, " How about a hug mom.  It says he loves hugs."  So cute!

78) A hard work out tonight

79)  Long naps for Lainey and Carson

80)  Reading Laura Ingalls Wilder with Erik - I loved that series as a kid and still love it as a parent.  Ask me how I feel about it when I'm reading it to Carson but for now I like it!

Monday, January 28, 2013

Craft Time!

I am not a crafty mom.  We have a decent supply of crayons, markers, and glue.  I also know how to make play dough but beyond that I really don't "do" crafts or sew.  I'm not good at them and don't particularly like them.  

Erik has been asking me to teach him how to sew ever since my Aunt Cyndy sewed him and Lainey dish towel aprons while she was here to help out the week Carson was born.  Carson is almost two and Erik has consistently suggested I put a sewing machine on my birthday and Christmas list ever since her visit.  I've tried to explain to him that even if I bought a sewing machine I wouldn't know how to use it.  Poor kid!

Well, finally I figured out a way to help the kid learn how to "sew".  You see our talented babysitter Ariel, who watches the kids while I am at work loves to knit!  So, I asked if she would mind teaching Erik how to knit if I bought the supplies.  She was happy to help!

Knitting the hat for Lainey's baby doll

I worked an extra day this week and showed the knitting supplies to Erik this morning.  He was SO excited for Ariel to get here!  He could hardly wait.  So cute!

Amazingly by the time I got home he (and Lainey) with some help from Ariel managed to knit 2 hats.  One for Lainey's baby dolls and one for Erik.  Erik immediately wanted to give the hat he made to his buddy James.  It was too small for James but Erik is confident he can make him one later this week.   He is also planning on teaching Victor and I how to knit early tomorrow morning - before breakfast.  We'll see how that goes!

My sweet little guy fell asleep wearing his newly knit hat!
Thank you Ariel!

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Joy Project!

62) Listening to belly laughs - while Erik and James were playing Jenga

63) A clean kitchen floor - thank you Victor

64) Multiple meals together as a family of 5 over the weekend

65) A quiet weekend - no traveling, nothing extra going on

66) Sledding down the hill in the gravel pit

67) Seeing a group of siblings ages 7, 9, 10, and 12 at the sledding hill, playing together like they were best friends!   They were so kind to Erik too, offering him their sleds (they had this fancy one and offered it to him, without him asking).  I hope when my kids are old enough to be out on their own that they are kind to each other and other kids.  I was so impressed by this group of sweet kids and wish I had someway to communicate that to their parents.

68) In house movie night with Victor

69) Time to log some CME, a never ending process!

70) Skyping with my 86 year old Grandma

What Brought you Joy today?!

Don't forget that someone will win my favorite books by commenting, sometime soon, 
depending on the rate of comments. :) 

Friday, January 25, 2013

Joy Project!

55) Snow and happy kids!

56) A day at home with my kids (actually 2 days as the schools were closed today too because of a threat of possible snow)

57) Low Mortgage rates

58)  Hulu - we don't have access to any live TV but I can still watch a couple of shows online which is great

59) Wonderful neighbors!  We got together for the 3rd time in 10 days celebrating a birthday together.  We are so blessed by the street we live on!

60) Catching Lainey letting down her guard for a moment and dancing at the party tonight.

61) Carson and Lainey chasing me around the house with blankets over their heads pretending to be ghosts

How were you blessed today?

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Snow Day!!

It seems we have 1-2 snow days a year.  Erik LOVES snow and was so so so excited to wake up and find 3-4 inches of snow on the ground this morning.  When Victor left for work he told Erik to "have a fun day" and Erik excitedly responded, " Of course it is a fun day!  It SNOWED!"  So cute!!

As expected, school was cancelled due to the snow.  (Having grown up in Wisconsin, the snow cancelation policy in the DC area always makes me chuckle.)  I was happy to have a day at home with all three kids!  Either Victor or I have been out of town the last two weekends plus a trip to DC one day for me and two days of work and I feel like I haven't spent a lot of time at home during the past 10 days. 

Anyway, we started the day with snow ice cream!  I just added a little sugar, vanilla, and milk to a big pot of snow and gave the kids that for breakfast.  They thought that was a lot of fun!! 

I did serve them a real breakfast too but Erik was so excited to get outside that he couldn't even eat.  (My sweet boy!)  He headed outside at 7:45.  I bundled up the other two and we joined him about 10 minutes later.  The neighbors couldn't stand to be inside when we were outside so soon they came outside and played and went sledding with us too.  By 8:15 both Lainey and Carson were crying to go inside.  Ha! 
Rosy cheeks are playing outside for 3 hours

Erik stayed outside until 11:00 and he only came inside then because his buddies were going home and he was hungry.  Haha!  
Sweet Madison reading books to Lily, Lainey, and Carson

Our neighbor Madison came over when she got cold and watched Cinderella with Lainey.  I played a few rounds of "Boom-ba!" with Carson and then started cooking.  

My friend Amy and her daughter Lily joined us inside too while her 6 year old played outside with Erik and James.  

It was a fun day!!

After lunch I put Carson and Lainey down for a nap.  Erik went over to James' house and Erik, Tyler and James spent the afternoon playing Monopoly.  Erik seemed to think that was quite fun - I'm pretty sure he'd never played it before. 

My sassy girl

After the two littles woke up from their naps we headed back outside.  Erik stayed outside until it was dark! Haha!  He was fast asleep by 7:10 tonight. 

I love the snow and sledding too and would have loved to join him for more than 30 minutes in the morning and afternoon but I have no doubt he had a blast and was not missing me one bit! 

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Joy Project!

I feel like I've been really running behind on things recently, blog included!  So you'll just have to stay caught up with us via the joy project!  Eventually I will get my camera back out so you remember what the kids look like and write a real post.

48)  Longer days - it was light on my drive home from work today!  Yay!

49) Good news for my friends! and another person I love!

50) Kind colleagues

51) Heated van seats! (It's been cold over here!)

52) A helpful husband who adjusts his work schedule on the days I work so the kids are only with the sitter for 8 hours (he gets up very early)

53) A fun trip to WI

54) Landing on the ground in one piece -- our last flight was super turbulent! I was very glad to get off of that plane!

What are you thankful for today?!

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Joy Project

36)  Kind husband who let me sneak away for the weekend with Carson for a quick trip home.

37) Kind people that helped me get my luggage onto the airport bus without me even asking

38) One on one time with my sweet little boy

39) Carson yelling, "Whoa, whoa, down, all done!"  as our first plane landed - poor little guy did not enjoy the descent.  He didn't cry but clung tightly to me.  So cute!

40)  Lots of visits with friends - Katie, Pat, and Nicki (more to come still)

41)  Lots of special bonding time for Carson and Grandma and Papa

42)  Carson sleeping well while not at home

43) Spending time holding sweet new babies -Carolyn and Braxton

44)  Parents who are happy to watch Carson while I visited my friends

45)  Excellent home cooked meals

46)  Dinner out with friends who generously paid for my meal!

47) Bright, sunny days (even if it's been a bit chilly!)

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Project Joy

32) An awesome part time job, especially appreciated when it's been rainy and "cold" for 5 days in a row

33) Hope!  The door for my friends that seemed closed wasn't! Pray with me please that they'll get good news!

34) Good health

35)  Kind and generous neighbors!  This was appreciated most when Victor and I were in California last month.  Thank you!

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Carson - 22 Months!

Can you believe my baby is almost 2?!  
He still seems like my baby but more and more I look down at him and see a little boy.
A sweet sweet little boy! 

What's Carson been up to this month??

- His speech has taken off quite drastically!  He is consistently using two word phrases now and will make an attempt to say most words if asked.  He is starting to ennuciate more clearly as well.  "Way way" is now "Waynie".

- He LOVES books.  He follows me around the house books all day long.  His favorite books are Hop On Pop (any Dr. Seuss book really) and the "find a hidden object books".   He will happily let anyone read to him.  Lainey has quite a few books memorized and will "read" the Dr. Seuss and Chicka Chicka Boom Boom books to him with quite a bit of animation.  So cute!!

- He also loves trains.  We moved the train table into his room a couple of months ago.  It's a big hit!

- Carson still loves to EAT!!  Man does that kid have an appetite.  It seems like he has been starving for a good 2 months.  It will be interesting to see his stats when he is two.

-Carson had an ear infection a couple of weeks ago.  Since he has tubes it was no big deal.  We just used the antibiotic drops and it stopped draining after 3 days.  In the last 24 hours he has picked up a junky cough.  We started the albuterol nebs already as his lungs are a tiny bit junky and I don't want to repeat what happened in November.   No fever or other cold symptoms so hopefully it will resolve quickly.

-Carson loves all of us quite passionately.  He greets anyone who comes home with a lot of enthusiasm and big hugs!  I love it!!  He also happens to be a bit possessive of my lap.  He particularly gets mad if Lainey is on my lap and tries to push her away.  (Poor girl!)

-Carson loves music and sings to himself all day long.  I love it and foresee some musical watching in my future (hopefully at least 1 of the trio will be a music "geek"!)

-Carson also LOVES his trike!!  He's only really thrown one large tantrum in his life and it was related to his trike.

Joy Project

Today's a day that's held some disappointment - "small" on the scale of things but close friends of mine were hoping for a different answer about something.  They're tough and will be fine but boy was I hoping for a different answer.

  I think on these days finding a number of things to be thankful for can be extra helpful (not that it's wrong to take a day to just be a little sad!).  So, here are some of the things that brought me joy today...

26) playing trains with Carson

27) running

28) listening to Lainey sing a song in the back of the car about "Mary and Joseph and Carson"  Haha!

29)  Lainey proudly showing me how she writes her letters

30) A warm house  (it's been dreary and raining for 4 days now)

31) being married to a toilet "un-clogger"  -- Thank you honey!

We never cease working on the the habit of good food, good exercise, good time management. Why ever lessen the habit of our grateful thanks to a good God?
- Ann Voskamp
Thank you Lord for my many blessings.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Joy Project

21) a double rainbow to start off my day

22)  sweet little Carson singing (humming) to himself all day - even though he is still just learning to talk

23) Dinner out with friends

24) Finding Erik's jacket that had been missing for 3 days

25) reliable babysitters

Ann Voskamp is hosting a joy project of her own this year!  One person will win a DSLR at the end of the year!  To find out more go here.....

Her giveaway is probably much more exciting than my offer of 2 books to the person who leaves the 1000th comment on my blog (and a joy list at some point).

Will you join me on this Joy Project this year?  I am going to expand my list from 500 to 1000, not so I can enter the contest to win (I actually have a DSLR camera - thank you Miin) but I like the challenge and think taking time to share what I am thankful for if already impacting my life for the better!

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Type A Soccer Mom?

Erik LOVES soccer.   He truly walked around in shin guards for more than a week last spring.  His passion for the sport hasn't quieted since then.   He has now played through four soccer sessions.  Being that he has a fall birthday he has been playing on the U5 team still this year.  Since last spring he was really caught onto "goal" of the game and is one of the better (and older) kids in the U5 age group.

I tried to play him up for the indoor season but they didn't have room.  Spring registration was just last week and I think (hope) he will be able to play on a U6 team this spring session (will repeat in the fall again).

Having a kid with a birthday right around the school/sport cut off is tricky!  There are benefits to being older for sure but you also don't want them to be bored.  As you know we chose to adhere to the school guidelines regarding when to put Erik into kindergarten.  He is reading quite well now, knows basic addition and subtraction, etc. so he will certainly be at the top of his kindergarten class next year.  This makes me happy but also nervous.  I hope he gets a good teacher next year!

Anyway, so back to U5 soccer.   He is one of the oldest kids in the winter session.  They work on skills for 30 minutes and then divide into teams for the last 20 minutes.  Normally there are about 20 kids there so they divide into 6 small teams.  The coaches have been dividing them up by skill so Erik's always been on a team with other older kids that understand the concept of the game.

Well, this week only 10 kids showed up and the main coach was gone.  This time they divided them into two teams.  Erik ended up on a team with one other boy and three girls.  Two of girls looked like they had just turned four and spent most of the game twirling in circles.

On the other team: 5 boys, all whom seemed to at least be interested in playing the game.

Now I know that this is U5 soccer but seriously?!  Why would you put all three girls on the same team. One of the girls was even wearing a shirt that said, "I'm a Daisy."  Shoot me now!

Here's how the game went down via text to a friend, mom of 3 girls and a soccer coach...

(All of the texts are from me.  She responded later, asking for photos. I didn't take any!)

We are at soccer, only two teams.  Yellow is 5 boys, not Erik. Pink is 3 girls, 2 who keep sitting down, and two boys, one that is a very frustrated Erik.  He keeps telling the girls, when they play, "Go the other way, you're going the wrong way (down the field)."   Makes me feel good about putting him on U6 this spring.  3 vs 5 is not fun.  Poor guy.  (He never stopped running for 20 minutes.)

It'll be a good lesson in sportsmanship.

And now the one girl that understands the game is down.  2 vs 5. :(

One girl is sitting down, one is twirling.

This is very difficult for his type A mother.  Haha!

And now the other boy is crawling on the floor.  Yikes!  1 vs 5!


I love to watch Erik play soccer and I've always found 5 year old soccer to be fun and entertaining.  Somehow this weekends match totally annoyed me.  I really don't understand why they didn't divide up the teams more fairly and split up the 4 year old girls, especially after realizing they were going to spend most of the time twirling around.  Ha!

I am AWFUL at sports.  I love to exercise and am a pretty good runner but anything that involves hand and eye coordination does not work for me.  That being said, I have spent most of my life doing the best I possibly can at whatever I try and am just a wee bit competitive.  Mainly with myself but apparently if I'd been part of a team sport ever in my life, playing on a "good" team which would have increased my chance of success would have been quite important to me.  (Of course, I am not good so therefore would never be part of a "good" team.)  Oh dear!

Nothing against girls who twirl during a soccer game (I do remember scoring a basket for our opponents when I was on a middle school basketball team, first and last organized sport for me ever) but I am hoping that there will be a little less of that come this spring on Erik's U6 team since they will all be at least 5.  We will see!

Oh to be type A is tough!

 (I  hope Erik has no idea how irritated I was as he didn't seem to care nearly as much as I did. Ha!)

Project Joy!

17) Friends!

We moved about 2 years ago to a fairly small, rural community.  Prior to this we'd lived in the DC metro area for almost 4 years.  I have a few lifetime friends from DC (3 - you know who you are) but that's it. No one else that I maintain contact with at all.  Kind of sad.  I liked living there but now that we are back in a small town I realize how much more I enjoy a "small" setting.  I love running into friends at soccer, the grocery store, gym, etc.  Already in the past 2 years I have a much bigger circle of friends than I did up there.  I do NOT think numbers matter but it is so nice to have a large group of people I can call on for just about anything.  I am so grateful!

18) Get togethers!

Victor's been out of town the past few days.  Yesterday we had some friends over for a playdate!  This family goes to our church and M1 is in Erik's pre-k class.  Poor Erik was surrounded by princesses for three hours.  He survived and even wore a crown to be their prince for about an hour (they all had dress up clothes on).  He also taught M1 how to shoot a gun and what a powder horn is used for.   Haha!  Girls and boys play so differently.

19) Nap time!

20) Good eaters!

I am thankful my kids will try just about anything and eat a well rounded healthy diet without complaining.  I hope they follow that forever!

What are you thankful for today?

Notable Quotes: Erik

"Mom, we should really buy some sporks!"

This was a fairly random comment that I found somewhat hilarious!

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Project Joy!

10) One on one time with Carson for 2 hours on Thursday mornings! (Wore that sweet baby out!)
(He was babysitting Lainey's baby doll while she was at school. 
Her baby dolls are named Ryan, Rachel, and Baby Jesus. Haha!
Carson happens to be cuddling with baby Jesus!)

11) Chatting with a friend for 30 minutes while cleaning up the kitchen
12) A hour to myself to scrub the kitchen floors while my sweet 5 year old played with civil war soldiers and couch cushion forts, and Lainey and Carson napped
13) Being able to run without hip pain!
14) Listening to Erik read a book to me!
15) My spunky girl wearing sunglasses her sitter left behind

16) Preschool teachers that cherish my kids (currently Lainey but Erik had them the previous two years)

What are you thankful for today?!
(Only 484 to go!)

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Project Joy!

1) Flannel sheets
2) Bright, sunny 55 degree day in January
3) Playing at the park with my kids
4) Erik and J playing and singing their own version of a Darth Vador song at the keyboard
5)My sweet daughter taking such good care of her babies

6) After dinner walks with Erik in the dark (he loves to wear his headlamp)

7) Erik getting excited about spotting the first star in the sky
8) Sweet, sweet Carson singing all day long!

9) Being married to a dishwasher and bathroom cleaner.  Thank you honey!

What are you giving thanks for today?!
Leave a comment and let me know!
(I took down the word verification thing for those of you who hate those - Grandma!)

The Joy Project, Part 2 - The Plan and a Giveaway

"Dare to name all the ways God loves you.  Spend time thinking upon His goodness." 
-Ann Voskamp 

Ann Voskamp summed up the theme of her book as " the dare to live FULLY right where you are".   I think that's a really wonderful goal.  I think the idea that we need to slow down and enjoy the small things is something that has been preached by lots of people.  Remember when Oprah had her Gratitude journals??  

Here is a recent video of Oprah talking about her gratitude journal.  She's been writing down her daily blessings for 16 years!!  

Seeking to find joy in the mundane is not a new concept.  But it's a good one I think! 

The past 13 months have been difficult.  My faith has, at times, been really shaken.  And at times it's hard to feel joyful when you know your brother is suffering.  And that's okay!  Sometimes life is hard.  But, you'd be amazed that despite the very difficult battle my brother is currently fighting he still manages to seek joy!  That's amazing.  Instead of curling up and saying, "Enough!" he goes on everyday and finds things to be grateful for.  I'm not sure, if I were him, that I would be able to do that. 

What I do know though is that I am going to do my best to live a life that is full of thanksgiving for the many blessings I have been given.  

What's the Plan?!

I'm going to randomly be posting my "blessings list" until I get to 500.  500!  How long will that take I wonder? 

I am hoping that some of you will join me!  Can you find 500 things that bring joy into your life?  If so, will you share some of your lists with me in the comment sections? 

What Can We Win?

I am not too far from having 1000 comments on the blog.  Whoever leaves the 1000th comment, and has left at least ONE comment that includes a few things that brought them joy that day, will get a copy of.....

1) Wheat Belly - my favorite book! AND
2) One Thousand Gifts, by Ann Voskamp

I hope you will join me!!

Eucharist (thanksgiving) is the state of the perfect man.  Eucharist is the life of paradise.  Eucharist is the only full and real response of man to God's creation, redemption, and gift of heaven. 
-Alexander Schmemann

Notable Quotes: Erik and Lainey


"NO Mom you're wrong. James (7) told me it was actually....... and he is smarter than you!" Haha!

Erik hasn't even made it to kindergarten and he's already looking to his peers for advice.  Yikes!

Lainey to Carson:

She was mad because he was on "her" bathroom stool....
"Hey!  Stop!  You've distracted my baby (that was in her arms) while I was pushing you!"

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

The Joy Project, part 1

This past 13 months have been full of ups and downs for our family.  There have been lots of opportunities to give into a sense of hopelessness, despair, or anger.   We've been reminded first hand that this world is broken and full of trials and sorrow.   I think I've always been a glass full kind of girl and truthfully haven't had a lot of super bad things happen to me.  When you've had a pretty "blessed" life it's pretty easy to grow comfortable.  But not necessarily comfortable in a good way.  You see when life is "good" it's very easy to waste life complaining about minor things.  Then something big happens and suddenly you realize how ridiculous it is to waste your breath fussing about things that really don't matter.

 What is really important??

That's a hard question to answer.  
Is it education, money, the house you live in, getting married, having kids, relationships, friends, traveling, living forever???
What will make the biggest impact on those around you?
What will bring you the most satisfaction in life?
What will have an lasting impact and bring God glory?

I've spent a lot of time thinking about this.  I'm not sure there is one right answer.  In fact, I'm sure there's not.  We are all unique and created with different skills and talents so no two lives can ever or should ever be the same.

That being said, I think seeking to live a life full of joy and thanksgiving no matter the circumstances will lead you feeling satisfied (joyful!) and grateful for the many, small blessings that grace our lives each day.   Think of the people you know who find joy in the mundane and live a life full of gratitude.  I think they are the people that leave a lasting legacy, that impact lives for the better.

That's the kind of life I want to live.  I don't want to be blind to the blessings around me.  I want to appreciate each moment I have because my life could be halted at any moment.  I want to positively influence the lives of the people around me.  I want to live a grateful life, one that never overlooks the blessings God has bestowed upon me.

But what if your life sucks?!  Is it possible to still find joy on a daily basis?  I think so!

"The Joy Project" idea was triggered by Ann Voskamp, author of "One Thousand Gifts".  She spent a year focused on naming her blessings.  1000 of them in a list.  It changed her outlook on life.

I have read most of her book and listened to the first session of her bible study.

Here are some tidbits I wrote down after listening to her first bible study session.....

1)Living live with joy is a choice

2) I may choose to say yes.

3) Goal of the fullest life = joy?  (chara)

4) Height of our joy (charis) is dependant on our eucharisteo (thanksgiving)

5) In the bible, eucharisteo (thanksgiving) always precedes the miracle/blessing

6) Man’s first job was to name all the animals.

7)Naming offers the gift of recognition.

8) Name your joy!

More to come!!