Sunday, May 29, 2016

Recurrent Strep

So strep throat seems to have found our house and decided it likes us.  So annoying and hits at very inconvenient times!

Our first round was in late December.  Two days before flying to WI.  Lainey tested positive; Kyle and I both developed symptoms and were treated.

Second round was in March.  Same week that Lainey was hit with a golf club, breaking her maxilla.  All three boys had it - but I didn't take anyone in until we were five days into the ordeal because only Carson developed super high fevers.  Lainey was also on antibiotics due to the fracture.

Third round - Memorial Day weekend -starting 24 hours after Erik breaks off half his tooth.  Lainey and Kyle have tested positive.  Carson seems fine so far.  Erik is also on Amoxicillin due to his tooth injury.   I swear I have it, but my rapid test was negative (and done under the table) so no antibiotics for me, yet. 

I hope this is it!  If it strike again, I might ask that we all get a Rocephin shot and hopefully get rid of it for good?!  New experience for us.  

Never boring.  That's for sure!

Friday, May 27, 2016

Daily Snapshots

 5th kid
 Broken tooth
 Temporary crown, after braving 2.5 hours in the dentist chair
 Scout feeling left out
 Sick baby
 Silly boy

 Erik was top dog (student of the month)
All three kids have been selected once this year - Yay!
A well loved dog

 Good friends, despite the size difference
 Hard being two
Rock wall at school

40 years/One Year


This marks one year since I realized Victor had decided to continue the affair, supposedly stopped in early March of 2015.   This marks the day my marriage ended.  One year ago, I was devastated, scared, embarrassed, and angry.  We'd been in counseling for 8 months.  I'd worked SO hard at trying to be the best wife possible.  V had made steps that indicated to both me and our counselor that he was invested too. But 5/26/15 he stopped pretending.  He admitted to a lunch date with his girlfriend that day; immediately after he had met with our counselor individually for accountability.  It was a day I had spent cleaning up piles of vomit, only one day after being sick myself.  Not a great day.

But here I am, one year later.  Still standing!  And standing tall, with my head held high, when not on my knees praying!  The kids and I have formed a tight bond.  It wasn't an easy transition (poor, poor Erik really struggled)  but with hard work, counseling, help from friends and family when needed, and prayer we made it! 

It wasn't nearly as hard as I thought it would be.  I am confident that the kids and I are all much happier than we were a year ago.  Peace has been restored to our home that had been gone for years.

I didn't realize until Victor forced an ending to our marriage how stressful our house had been.  It was stressful!  Partially due to four small babies and losing my brother; but really exacerbated by a struggling marriage/super unhappy spouse/Dad.

Is this were I wanted to be 15 months ago?  No way.  Do I think our marriage could have survived and thrived?!  Absolutely.   But that wasn't possible when only one person was invested.

Are the kids and I happy, healthy, and very blessed?!  Absolutely.

I come away from this year, feeling so grateful for the many, many blessing in my life!  I am a happy, healthy, have a great job, and four of the best kids on the planet.  So little to complain about over here!

I do anticipate some bumps during the next 1-2 years as presumably our separation will lead to divorce.  Please pray for continued PEACE, that my kids will stay safe, and God's direction/presence will be obvious during that transition.  Thank you!


This marks 40 years that my parents have been married!  40 years!!  Now that's an accomplishment.  Was their marriage an easy one?  No way!  But they are both hard working, honest, kind, and stubborn people - who stuck it out through the best and worst of days.  Forty years has required a lot of work and compromise, but doing so has left them with a peaceful, fulfilling relationship - friends still after forty years.

I am so proud and thankful! 
Good job Mom and Dad.

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Notable Quotes - Erik and Lainey

Victor took the kids over night for the second time since he left almost a year ago.   On my way to drop them off with him yesterday afternoon, I reminded them that they would be spending the night with him and I would see them tomorrow.

Erik immediately responded, " Wow Mom!  That will be a great opportunity for you to clean."

Haha!  I chuckled a bit to myself.

Before I could respond Lainey pipes up from the back seat, " Wow, the house will be so quiet Mom!"

I said, "Yes, it will be quiet.  I will miss you guys!"

She followed up with, "But at least when you clean the house will stay clean for a day. "

Hahahaha!  Oh my sweet kids!

They had a nice time.  I did clean, grocery shop, and mow but I also went out for dinner and drinks with friends last night and slept in this morning.  I did miss them very much and was so thankful to hear their happy shrieks as they ran to greet me this evening. 

Phew!  24 hours without my kiddos is long enough, for sure!

34 - Daron's Cake

My dear brother Daron, would be 34 today if he were still here.
Oh how I miss that brother of mine!

Copycatting my Aunt Janet, I have decided to make a cake on/around his birthday each year and give it to someone who has been important in our lives or needs a boost.

The kids and I were a bit of a scrappy team at the beginning of the school year.  I am so thankful that all three kids have had wonderful teachers this year!!!  They have been such a blessing to our family! 

Erik was especially struggling last summer.  He seemed affected the most by Victor leaving plus he had a really not-nice teacher for the first three quarters of 1st grade (which left him hating school).

I can't really express how thankful I am for the teacher's they have this year.  Erik once again enjoys school.  Not once have I heard him complain about a day at school this year.  I am SO thankful for that!!!

Since all the teachers have been wonderful, I decided to share this tradition with all of them.

Carson's teachers were - Mrs. Santos and Mrs. Leget (full time aide in the pre-k class).
Lainey has Mrs. Gruber (the same first grade teacher that Erik was switched into for the last quarter of his first grade year.  She is wonderful.)
Erik has Mrs. Augustin.

Daron's favorite cake is a poppyseed cake with caramel frosting and a custard "filling."  This is quite a time consuming process!  I really wasn't impressed with my results this year (might need to make it more than once a year), but I decided the results weren't really that important.

Below is a photo of Erik, Lainey, and Carson with their wonderful teachers.  (Don't be fooled by Erik's scowl.  He likes his teacher a lot; he doesn't like photos.)

 Mrs. Santos has taught all three of them in pre-k! (The 2nd one, on the left.)
She has taught all three of my kids to read!

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

1 month

My kids get out of school one month from today.  
That means this is my last month that I will have Carson home in the afternoon.  I love spending time with that little guy.  While Kyle sleeps we are able to play card games, soccer, puzzles, read books, etc.   I don't spend the whole nap time with Carson because exercising, cooking, laundry, and cleaning need to get done too; but I always make a point to spend 20-30 minutes of quality time with him.  

I can't believe next fall I will be sending him off to school all day too.
I think he will be ready but I'm not.
He is a my sweet, tender little kid.
He also loves to be home and doesn't like crowds at all.

I am both nervous and sad about sending him off to kindergarten.
If he gets a kind, organized teacher it will be great!
If he gets a loud, disorganized teacher who likes to yell (there are some in the kindergarten) he will hate it.

I remember feeling super nervous sending Erik to kindergarten. (But not so sad as he was almost 6 and had three younger siblings at home.)

I felt okay sending Lainey to kindergarten.  She is a confident student and loves school.  Even though she was a young five, she was ready.

So hard to believe, that my crazy toddler/baby days are over!
I LOVE the phase my kids are in now and hope it doesn't go by so quickly.

HEre's to the last month!
Let each day I get to be home with my buddy be a good one!