Sunday, January 13, 2013

Project Joy!

17) Friends!

We moved about 2 years ago to a fairly small, rural community.  Prior to this we'd lived in the DC metro area for almost 4 years.  I have a few lifetime friends from DC (3 - you know who you are) but that's it. No one else that I maintain contact with at all.  Kind of sad.  I liked living there but now that we are back in a small town I realize how much more I enjoy a "small" setting.  I love running into friends at soccer, the grocery store, gym, etc.  Already in the past 2 years I have a much bigger circle of friends than I did up there.  I do NOT think numbers matter but it is so nice to have a large group of people I can call on for just about anything.  I am so grateful!

18) Get togethers!

Victor's been out of town the past few days.  Yesterday we had some friends over for a playdate!  This family goes to our church and M1 is in Erik's pre-k class.  Poor Erik was surrounded by princesses for three hours.  He survived and even wore a crown to be their prince for about an hour (they all had dress up clothes on).  He also taught M1 how to shoot a gun and what a powder horn is used for.   Haha!  Girls and boys play so differently.

19) Nap time!

20) Good eaters!

I am thankful my kids will try just about anything and eat a well rounded healthy diet without complaining.  I hope they follow that forever!

What are you thankful for today?

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