Sunday, July 1, 2012

Weekend Wrap Up

We had a busy weekend doing nothing.  We didn't exactly do nothing (lots of time spent at the pool) but Carson was sick so we had to divide and conquer all weekend.

The trio has managed to share cold germs this week.
Erik started it and escaped with just a profusely snotty nose.
Lainey was next, mild cough and low grade fever for 24 hours.
Poor little Carson was last but not least.  He started the same as Lainey, mild cough
and low grade fever.  The only problem was that instead of the fever resolving after 24-36 hours it got worse.  By yesterday afternoon he was a sad heap of snot and tears. 
I finally checked his ears this morning and discovered that his right ear was still quite red.
I took him into the Urgent Care and he is now on Augmentin (finished Amoxicillin about 6 days ago).
This is his first set of ear infections so it's not too bad.
Hopefully he will feel back to normal again soon.

Sweet Lainey taking her diaper bag and purse along for a bike ride.
As I said we spent most of the weekend at the pool (Carson stayed home).
Yesterday I was working on teaching Erik how to float on his back.
Lainey was sitting on the edge of the pool (we were in about 4 feet of water).
I had my back to her, about 5-6 feet away.
As you have probably guessed, she decided to get in the pool by herself, intending to use her kick board to float.  Poor thing slipped off of her kick board and sunk to the bottom of the pool.
Thankfully I heard her entrance splash and turned around but not before she was completely submerged and struggling to get out (not possible).  Yikes!!
I quickly got her out.  
She was fine, even held her breath the whole time she was under, so wasn't coughing on water even.
It did scare her (and me of course) enough to realize that she needs to ask before getting in the pool.
Thankfully, it didn't traumatize her though and she is happy as a clam in the water still. 
I am so glad I turned around when I heard the splash as there were lots of people swimming so I had 
no reason to think it was Lainey.  Thank you Lord! 

Post swimming snack.
Homemade plain yogurt with raspberries and Bear Naked Triple Berry Granola.
Yum yum!! 
(Remember to watch the ticker!)

This photo makes me laugh!
I found some Army tattoos in the $1 bin at Target.
When I got home Erik asked if he could have them, I said sure.
He went into the bathroom and came back out with the entire sheet tattooed to 
his chest.  So funny!!  Poor guy got lots of attention, which he hates, at the pool today!

I hope your weekend was fun!

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