Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Notable Quotes


Victor took the kids to target last week to get a couple of things.  Erik must have thought something was hard to find because he told Victor, "Dad, that is just impossible!"  Lainey, fresh off of VBS week, immediately responded, "Erik, nothing is impossible with Jesus!"

When we were at my parents last week my Dad and I had Erik and Lainey out on the dock fishing.  I was about to leave for the evening so Dad was left with 2 against 1 and they weren't wearing life jackets.  Before leaving I reminded the kids that they needed to be very careful and asked Erik what he would do if he happened to fall in the pond.  Before he could respond Lainey, with wide eyes said, " Get eaten by a BIG fish!"


Today while in the car Erik was talking about going to kindergarten.  I remind him that he wasn't going to be in kindergarten until next year because he wouldn't turn 5 until after school starts this year.  He said, " I know mom, but after I turn 5 I get to go to kindergarten."   I explained that while he would be 5 when he starts kindergarten it won't be until he is almost 6, a year from now, because you have to turn 5 by the end of August to go to kindergarten this year.

Thinking about it for a minute, Erik responded, " Well, mom I know what we can do!  We can just change my birthday to August!"  Poor little guy is going to be a tad disappointed when he doesn't get to join the big kids on the bus this year.

(I am fine/happy he has an extra year although it will be interesting to see what happens from an academic stand point.  He is really good at math and can add/subtract quite proficiently already (up to 10) - a year ahead of kindergarten.)

1 comment:

Austin & Terri said...

Love Lainey's comment about getting eaten by a BIG fish! So cute :)