Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Grumpy Grumps and VBS

Victor was out of town Friday through Sunday for his reserve duty.  He does this every month and it's not a big deal but I admittedly struggle the following week.  The kids are pretty easy to take care of on my own now (compared to a year ago) but something about missing the weekend always seems to make me edgy the following week.

Yesterday, started out great!  We have another fun-filled week planned.  Both kids are going to VBS this week!  I thought Lainey might have a hard time at "church camp" but she LOVES it.  Haha!  I should have known!

Sweet kids all ready for camp!

Carson didn't want to be left out!

The kids have had a wonderful time at VBS the past 2 days!
I am so thankful!
Lainey's most excited about "Mommy, I get to be in Erik's class!"
Erik said being in the same class with her was fun too, which is good because she's about 
to join his Sunday school class so they will be together for the whole year.

After VBS yesterday we went to a library program, then home for naps (the little ones, Erik seems to
have completely given up naps now), and then off to dance and soccer.

Isn't she so cute!

Lainey took dance classes this spring and enjoyed them.
The studio we were at though was very disorganized and I am
not sure that the teaching methods were that great.

So, this summer she is taking a 4 week class at a different studio.
It seems as though it is going to be much better.
She had fun at that class too.

Erik, who I failed to take a photo of, is playing soccer on Monday evenings.
It's 2 hours (although they usually send the little guys home after an hour or so) of open soccer "practice" with minimal coaching (although I thought the coaching was great last night).
It's free which is really nice and is supposed to prepare the kids for the fall season.

Dance is Monday afternoons.
Soccer is Monday evenings.
60 minutes between events with a 30 minute drive to get from one place to the other.
A little chaotic.
(Although, this is likely the start of activity chaos for the next 18 years.)

Victor picked the kids up from dance class and drove them up to the soccer field.
I had packed a lunch so they ate on the way.
I went to the gym for a quick work out and then joined them at soccer.

Victor took Lainey and Carson home at 7:00 and I stayed with Erik.

This is when the grumpy grump set in.
Erik and I got home at 8:00 PM.

I was sincerely hoping to come home to a quiet house with at least one, if not both kids asleep.
Instead, I got home to wild, overtired kids and a grumpy husband. 
Being a little fried from the weekend and busy day I just joined in the chaos, 
grumping at Victor about how grumpy it made me to come home to complete chaos.
That of course made him even grumpier and delayed the kids bedtimes even further.

The kids actually all went to bed well just late.
I went to bed still feeling grumpy (and too late) and was up by 6:20.
Still grumpy.  Unfortunately Victor and Erik also woke up grumpy.
So the chaos ensued. Ugh!

Victor of course left for work but the grumpiness continued.
Erik was completely defiant and whiney.
Driving me crazy.
I actually swatted at him and told him to shut up.
Probably my worst parenting moment EVER.
Poor kid.  
I of course apologized and felt terrible.
I decided, since napping wasn't an option, that maybe 
I need to get a run in before taking them to VBS.
5 miles and a lot of sweat later I was in a much better mood
and by the time I dropped them off at VBS we had kind of started
the day over.  

I actually was able to take an hour long nap this afternoon too which was wonderful.
So we've had a good day and moved past the grumpy grumps.

I think I might need to put up a "pray for Ann" post when Victor is gone for the weekend though!

1 comment:

Austin & Terri said...

I get the grumps too when Austin is gone for any evenings. It's so hard being on duty for 24 hours by yourself (and I only have Sadie who is the easiest baby ever!)