Saturday, July 28, 2012

Our Week in Photos

 I had a meeting at the beginning of the week!
This might lead to some big changes in our house, I will let you know 
more once the details are worked out.

From a meeting back to gym clothes and crowns.

Ice cream to beat the heat!

Trips to the playground.
I love my sweet kiddos! 

Lots of cooking (5 people eat a lot of food!)
This dish involved homegrown tomatoes and basil.

We spent a morning at a local museum.

Ended the week with a  mom/daughter date night!
Lainey was so excited to get out with me by herself.

Erik's had a tough attitude this week.
Lots of whining and complaining, "I don't like/want to....."
Ugh! He seems to have given up naps completely which is 
fine except he doesn't seem to be able to give them up completely and remain pleasant yet.  
Hopefully, the transition will be a quick one!  

At some point in the near future I will be solo parenting for 7-8 days in a row.
Please be praying that the "grumpy grumps" aren't too bad during that week and 
especially the 4-5 days after Victor gets back and still has to work (missing weekends always seem to
throw me for a few days).

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