Friday, July 6, 2012

Notable Quotes: Erik and Lainey

My kids are funny!  These stories are all from this afternoon.


He was talking to Victor and I at lunch today about how he wants to have 17 kids.  "No, actually 17 boys and 4 girls." Yikes!   He said he was going to marry Lainey.  Their first girl would be named Mirelle (our babysitter's name) and the second Lainey.  He didn't know after that.

I tried to convince him that he could not marry his sister and suggested a few other eligible bachelorettes instead but he did not seem to interested in any of those choices.  Ha ha!


At dinner Erik told us to be quiet.  When we asked why he said, "Because I am trying to hear Jesus talking to me!"


We bought Lainey a new bible this week.  She only had the baby version so while in civilization over the 4th of July we stopped at Barnes and Noble.   We when got home I realized that the bible came with a DVD.  I let them watch the DVD before bath time tonight.  When I told Lainey she needed to pause the movie she got upset and said, "But Mom, I really want to see Jesus first!"  Haha!

She likes the part of the movie with baby Jesus (I am sure mainly because it involves a baby) but her "whine" sounds so impressively faith-filled that it made me laugh.  She still had to turn off the video though!

I love my sweet kids!


Ashley said...

Thanks for hopping over to my blog. I had to come check yours out. :) WOW, what adorable kiddos you have. I love the comment about listening for Jesus. Aren't kid's pure souls just the best?! Have a great weekend!

Austin & Terri said...

That is pretty adorable! Love that they love Jesus already :)