Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Carson - 16 months!

This month seemed to fly by!


It's been a tough month for the little guy. He started with an ear infection which was followed up with a crummy cold, 3 new teeth, high fevers and residual ear infection, allergic reaction to Amoxicillin/Augmentin, and vomiting.  Poor thing!  My super happy baby lost his smile for about 10 days.  Thankfully he seems to be feeling better now.  He does have residual, non-infected fluid in his right ear still but it doesn't seem to be bothering him.

This was his first ear infection and first set of antibiotics ever.  Not too shabby!


Carson is still lagging behind in the speech department.  He does say mama and dada fairly appropriately.  He signs please and milk (his own version of the sign which is tapping me on the chest). He says a few other things consistently but the annunciation isn't very clear.  This includes.... Erik, up/down, "ididit." He waves "goodbye."  His comprehension and social interactions are great so I am not too worried about anything major going on.

Our pediatrician said if he doesn't improve by 18 months then we need to have his hearing testing and she will give us a speech referral.  If I had to guess I think he will end up needing speech but we will see!

Carson is still the happiest, sweetest baby.  He is very social and friendly.  He is the best hugger I've ever met and is constantly hugging one of us.  He is very comfortable being away from me at church or the gym.  He does cry right at drop off but is done within 30 seconds or so.

Carson still loves balls, playing chase, and being outside.  He also loves music and magnets therefore he spends quite a bit of time playing with our ABC fridge magnets.  He always claps along to the radio in the car which I find so cute!  He is a happy, active kid!

If Carson gets upset about something (leaving the playground!) he usually just stands his ground and cries (refusing to walk and trying to slither out of my arms when I pick him up) or he tries to make his case by walking backwards away from me! :)  Haha!

Carson does seem to be quite physically adept....  runs everywhere, climbs everything, walks backwards, can stand on one foot, kicks a ball, can stack towers of 5-6 blocks, throws balls overhand, etc.


Carson is a pretty picky eater.  He ate almost nothing for 7-10 days when he was sick but is back to normal now.  He prefers meat, rice, and beans.  He likes bananas, watermelon, and cantaloupe (sometimes) but refuses most other fruits.  He will put peas and carrots in his mouth but doesn't always eat them.  All other veggies are rejected.  He will not eat any dairy products or anything with a mushy consistency (even ice cream gets rejected after a bite or two).  He likes toast with peanut butter and jelly. Refuses all noodles and sauces.

Truthfully, it doesn't bother me much although I wonder if the picky eating and the poor speech are related "mouth" issues.  He does eat when he is hungry and 95% of what is offered to him is healthy so what he is eating is pretty good for him.

He is still nursing.  He was down to about 2x a day but then I took away his bottles and he got sick so now he is back up to 4-5x a day.  Haha!  Little stinker.  I am not bothered by it at this point.

He drinks rice milk when forced too (probably 4-5 ounces a day when I am home, more if I am not with him).

What were we up to this month??

Visited Mt. Vernon, spend two days in Baltimore, lots of running kids to and from camp, swimming, tried to beat the heat (10 days of 100 degree weather this month)


Height: 33 inches (88%)
Weight: 22.5 pounds (20%)

Carson seems so much taller than most of the kids his age! It does seem that Carson resembles my family the most so far.  We'll see if that continues!

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