Sunday, July 29, 2012

How to Make Your Own Yogurt: Giveaway Reminder!

As you may recall I want to give one of my readers an awesome yogurt maker!  You can learn how to win this by reading this post.  I think when I posted that a month ago I was at 57,000 views.   Now that I am at 60,000 I want to teach you how to make this awesome yogurt!

Bring 6 1/2 cups of whole or 2% milk to a boil  

Cool over an ice bath
Strain when completely cooled

Add one container of plain yogurt to the cooled milk
Stir until completely combined
You can either use a small store bought container OR one jar of 
homemade yogurt from a previous batch of yogurt.
I usually alternate every other batch (the homemade yogurt works well
as a starter for 1-2 additional batches).

Fill jars to the rim with prepared milk.

Place yogurt maker lid over the jars of milk (the jar lids are OFF)
Turn on and set timer for approximately 9 hours.
Wake up to perfect yogurt the next morning!

Add some frozen fruit and homemade granola. 
I also buy Bear Naked Triple Berry granola which is all natural, nut free (for Erik), and low sugar.
Count down the hours until you get to eat breakfast again!

This yogurt tastes SO much better than store bought yogurt.
It is also much cheaper!  Even if I buy a container of plain yogurt to use as the starter the 
entire batch which results in approximately 7 cups of organic yogurt costs $3-4 which would be $8 here on the east coast if I went with the store bought version.

Be mindful of the "ticker."  I am hoping to be able to send this
to someone by Thanksgiving! 


Mike & Karly said...

so you'll have it shipped to thailand when i win, right? :)

Our family said...

Yep! As long as amazon delivers there for a reasonable price, which I think it does.

Mike & Karly said...

so now that i've won this yogurt maker and it's coming to me in about 2 weeks, i have a question. when you say to strain it, do you use a cheese cloth or something else?

Our family said...

Hi Karly! I hope you get this! I just strain it using a wire strainer. It has fine holes. Truthfully, you barely need to strain it. The milk will scald and you can probably just list off the "scalded" portion with a fork. I hope it turns out well for you!

Mike & Karly said...

Awesome! Thanks!