Friday, July 6, 2012

Lainey at 3!

What's Lainey like at 3?! 
 Delightful is a good word to describe her!


Lainey is fun, spirited, silly, sweet, competitive, and emotional!  Lainey likes attention from us but does not like to be the center of attention in a group.  Lainey likes to make us laugh and goofs around a lot.  She is kind and sweet most of the time.  She loves both of her brothers a lot!  She is motivated by competition and likes to be fastest, first, etc.  Ha!  She can be a bit dramatic and defiant.  This is much more pronounced if she is overtired.  Lainey is a delight and seems to enjoy life much more than she did as a toddler (she was quite grump from the age of 9-20 months which I think was secondary to her chronic ear infections).


Lainey hasn't spent any time in preschool yet.  (She went to a "Mom's morning out" program 3 mornings a MONTH from September through January. I pulled her out when I started making trips to visit Daron (3x) this spring in an attempt to avoid bringing any extra germs into our house.)

Lainey likes to learn though.  She loves to be read to now and favors Dr. Suess and other rhyming books.  She recognizes all her of capital letters and most of the lower case letters.  She counts to 13 and recognizes most of the numbers 1-10.  Lainey wants me to teach her how to write her letters so I am going to try to work with her on that some.  She can write L, D, O currently and is quite proud.  I work with Erik 2-3x a week on "school" activities and she does not want to be left out!

She is registered for 2 mornings a week preschool starting this fall.


Lainey is a good eater.  She really likes meat (chicken) and fruit.  She still drinks almond milk.  I wonder if she could tolerate cow's milk now but she won't touch it! Ha!


Sleeps from 8:30-6:00 most days and takes a 2 hour nap.  She is up at the crack of dawn every day.  I bought her a darkening shade and the light still wakes her up.  She always beats the boys up for the day!


No concerns for her which I am very thankful for!


Babies!  (real and dolls)
Helping me cook
Riding her bike
Dance class
Playing with friends and her brothers


Being hot or cold
Walking "long" distances


(Answers by Lainey at age 3)

Favorite color -- pink
Best friend -- I don't know
Favorite outdoor activity -- I don't know
Want to be when big --  I don't know
Favorite food -- I don't know
Favorite book -- I don't know
What do you do with mommy that is fun -- No answer
Favorite animals -- Pig


Height: 38.5 inches (80%)
Weight: 31 pounds (50%)

I just love my dear girl and am so thankful for her!

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