Thursday, July 5, 2012

Impromptu Get Away!

As you are probably aware it's been 100 degrees for the past 10 days and my kids have been sick with colds and ear infections that entire time too.  I think I've been more stir crazy the past two weeks than I get during the dead of "winter."  (Winter is used loosely as the winter's here are nothing compared to WI.)

Victor had taken the 5th off in addition to the 4th so we decided on the eve of the 3rd to spend two days in Baltimore.  The kids, not so much the parents, love staying in hotels so they were so excited!!

Here are some photos from our (sleepless) trip...

We are members of the Baltimore Children's Museum (thanks Grandma Sandy)
so we spent 4-5 hours there yesterday afternoon.  It's a really great place, all 3 kids enjoy it.

Playing Drums

Washing Windows

We ate dinner at P.F. Changs.
I wasn't super impressed but Carson was.
He had chicken and rice and ate a full meal for the first time in a week.
Our kids only eat at restaurants about 4-5 times a year so 
eating out is always an exciting event for them!
(I do let them go out for ice cream and eat the grilled chicken and fruit option at 
Chic fil a about once a month but neither of those count as restaurants in my book.)

Sleeping, or lack there of.
We used the remainder of our Marriott points so our room was free.
(Victor had a stockpile of points from the days of constant travel when he worked at GE.)
Since the room was free, it wasn't a suite.
So our "sleep" schedule looked like this....

8:00 Bedtime routine starts but doesn't go well.  Carson had started to freak out about then and screamed bloody murder when we put him in the pack and play (and didn't calm down after 10 minutes in there by himself). So Victor took him out on a night time walk while I managed the other two.

9:30 They all eventually go to sleep.
11:15 I finally start to fall asleep.
11:30 Carson starts crying but calms down quickly and lets Victor put him in the pack n play.
2:15 -- Erik, my bed mate, is awake and poking and kicking at me.
I make him go to the bathroom and get him settled back into bed.
2:45 -- Carson starts crying.  Erik and I are still awake, now Victor and Lainey are as well.
2:50 -- Carson is in hysterics so Victor takes him out on another stroll.  I pray for his safety!  The other two are awake still so I get them settled back down.
4:00ish -- Victor returns with a sleeping Carson.  I had fallen asleep by then as had the other two.
6:00 -- Carson is up crying and awake for the "day."
7:00 -- All 5 of us are up for the day. 
8:00 --  Carson pukes up large volumes at breakfast.  I had all 3 kids in the hotel "eatery" by myself as Victor had gone back up to take a shower.  Thankfully, I managed to catch all of it in two large cups we had at the table.  Poor folks around us!  (I think he may have gotten sick because he was so overtired and he's still congested but I'm not sure.  Hopefully, no one else starts puking tomorrow.)

Yep, fun times!  Thankfully, Victor and I managed to stay calm and cool despite the fact that we were tired and at times frustrated.  I won't be booking tickets to Mexico anytime soon though unless the kids stay behind.

After breakfast, I took Erik and Carson on an hour long walk while Victor and Lainey packed up the hotel room (my phone charger got left behind so if my phone is off during the next week or so that's likely why -- I do have a car charger to use until we replace it or it's mailed back to us).

We then explored the National Aquarium. I failed to take any photos of the Aquarium but it's also a neat place.  They have a fun dolphin show and lots of sharks which I think were everyone's favorites.

By 1130 AM Lainey was in hysterics (so overtired) so Victor took her out while the boys and I finished    exploring the Aquarium.  We then got a quick lunch and were on the road by 1:00 PM.

                 By the time we exited the parking ramp the kids were all sound asleep.  Ha! 
                 They all slept close to 2 hours on the way home which made for a nice quiet trip home.

We did have a great time.  It was nice to get away as a family and spent time doing things together for 2 days.  Anyone who thinks it is possible to really go on vacation with 3 kids 4 and under must not be a parent!  Ha!  

So that's how we spent our 4th!  I hope you had fun too! 
(I took Erik and Lainey to a really nice fireworks display on Saturday. 
We didn't stay up for them again  yesterday.)

1 comment:

Austin & Terri said...

I'm tired just reading that! Goodness! Well I hope you have gotten some sleep since :)