Thursday, September 6, 2012

Nothing Too Exciting

We've had a busy week but nothing super exciting to blog about.  Here are a few things that have been on my mind this week....

1) Lainey LOVES school.  She's so sweet.  There are still 6-7 screamers at drop off but Lainey just goes on in unaffected.  She always tells me a few things about day, without me having to ask.  Today she reported, " I got to sing a lot today mom.  Mrs. Clem read us stories, I played with baby dolls, and my friend Charlotte was happy (she is one of the screamers!)."  Lainey is such a sweet little thing right now.

2) Carson has a double ear infection. Poor little dude.  He is allergic to penicillin so he started Ceftin this morning.  Hopefully, he will tolerate it okay.  I am concerned that the 2-3 ear infections he's had this summer are going to delay his speech even more than he is already.  Please pray his ear infections clear quickly!

3) I switched our diets around a month ago.  I pretty much cut out wheat as I haven't bought any bread, crackers, tortillas, or cereal during the past month.  I primarily did this because I feel like with 3 small kids it is so, so easy to fill up on carbs and I'd rather my kids fill up on fruits, veggies, etc.  Since switching I've been AMAZED at how much Carson's diet has improved.  He will eat almost anything now.  Before this he refused most everything except carb loaded foods.

4)  Another "side effect" of this dietary change is a major improvement in Lainey's bowels.  The poor girl has had 1-2  (very) loose stools almost daily for as long as I can remember.  I've always wondered whether or not it was food related and mentioned it to the doctor once or twice but never flat out requested she be tested for celiac.  Now that her diet has changed the loose stools are completely gone.  I don't know if it is just a wheat intolerance or full blown celiac or just coincidence but I talked to the doctor this morning.  She agrees that we should order celiac serology.  I need to start sneaking wheat into her diet again though on a regular basis so the results are accurate.  Not sure how I will do this as I don't want to bring all the empty calories back into the house for all of us.  I anticipate checking her labs in about 4 weeks.  Regardless of the results, in the future I will continue to limit her wheat consumption as it seems to have helped quite a bit but there is a big difference between limiting wheat and completing abstaining from gluten so I think the celiac serology is necessary.

5) I have a friend who has had a very disappointing week.  If you could add her to your prayers that'd be great.

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