Friday, September 14, 2012

Onto the ENT

Poor little Carson woke up with a rash all over his legs and hands and groin today.  His fever broke yesterday so I wasn't surprised to see a rash today, since Lainey had one too.  BUT his rash is different.  It's mainly on his legs and it is pimply instead of hives.

It kept getting worse so I decided to take him in to see if the doctor thought it was viral versus another allergic reaction to his antibiotics.  She thought it was hard to know for sure given the current state of germs in our house but to be on the safe side we need to stop the Ceftin and label him as penicillin and cephalosporin allergic.

I had checked his ears 2-3 days ago and knew they weren't clear yet.  Well, they still aren't clear today. So we are onto an ENT.  Carson hasn't had a completely clear ear exam since mid-June.  He's had 3 infections and in-between infections, fluid in his ears. In addition to that he has a speech delay.

I had asked cousin Nila if she thought he needed tubes and she said he was close as her rule of thumb is  tubes if kids go 120 days without a clear exam.  We are at 90+ days and a speech delay.  I asked the pediatrician what her opinion was and she agreed that we need to at least get an initial consult.

I am kind of hopeful the ENT thinks they are necessary right away because I think that will help him in the speech department PLUS he will finally feel better.  My poor little baby!

His appointment is on the 25th, hopefully the tube procedure will be done quickly after that!

Victor is still febrile today.  I have him quarantined to the futon in the basement and am following him around the house (if he dare surface) with bleach wipes as he is about to head out of town for another week and I don't want to catch the plague while he is gone!

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