Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Ear Trouble

I took Carson to see an ENT doctor today.  He's had either an ear infection or fluid in his ears since mid-June.  He's been quite miserable for the past 3 weeks so it was time to see the ENT.

The ENT doctor agreed that tubes were needed.  They did a tympanometry test which confirmed fluid (it's quite obvious on exam).  We were also seen by an audiologist who tested his hearing which showed some hearing "loss" associated with chronic fluid.  This should all come back to normal as soon as the tubes are in but currently he was responding to 40 decibels of noise and he should be responding to 15-20 decibels of noise.  They will repeat the test once his tubes are in place to confirm that it goes back to normal once the fluid has drained.

Carson has his full speech evaluation later this week.  I wonder how much his speech will improve once he can hear normally?  So maybe, even if he qualifies for it (which I'm sure he will), he will improve a lot in the next couple of months on his own.  We'll see.

My poor little baby.  Currently the tube procedure is scheduled for the 11th of October but they are going to try to squeeze him in next week sometime.  I am HOPING they can do it next week as the poor little guy is miserable.  Please pray that the procedure which is done under general anesthesia goes well!  Thanks!

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