Saturday, September 15, 2012

Prayers for Ethan

One of my PA school classmates/friends 8 year old nephew had a large ischemic stroke yesterday.  He had been perfectly normal and healthy before than.  Please be praying for him and their family.  His caring bridge site is here under the name..... EthanFritts.

April is one of the sweetest people you could ever meet and their family has faced a lot of struggles (a niece, different family, has SMA type 1).  This story just makes my heart hurt.


Elizabeth said...

ugh! i will keep them in my thoughts. one of my former coworkers had a stroke when she was around the same age. she ended up with left hemiparesis, but not too badly--she is a pediatric OT! --liz

Our family said...

That's good to know Liz! You may remember this family too. Kirt Fruendl was in the PT class ahead of you. His daughter has SMA and Ethan is also his nephew.