Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Sorrows and Joys

Life is full of both.  Lately, I've had a hard time focusing on the joys as the sorrows affecting quite a few different people that I love have been overwhelming to me.  I been struggling recently with feeling worried and sad about certain things and also a little pissed that crappy things keep happening to people I love.  Truthfully I think the people directly affected have probably been less sad and grumpy than I have been but it's been a long month for me.  In addition to the big things affecting people there seems to have been a long list of minor annoyances/illnesses that have left me tired and more emotional than normal.  (Hand foot and mouth, pneumonia, double ear infection, hand, foot, and mouth again x4!!, husband traveling and traveling.)   Anyway, after spending time talking to a few people about my feelings/frustration this week I do feel a lot better.  Thanks to those who listened to me! :)

 So that virus that caused 24-36 hours of fevers in Lainey followed by hives, Carson followed by an "allergic reaction" on his legs (which later spread to his hands and feet!), Victor with respiratory symptoms and major sore throat, and Erik followed by a "weird" faint mouth rash (brighter on day 2 as shown in photo) and later lesions on his hands and feet was most likely an odd presentation of Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease x4 people!!  Seriously!!  How is that even possible?? We just got over Hand, Food, and Mouth 6-7 weeks ago.  At least no one had mouth sores this time.  The kids barely seemed affected and Victor who had a fever for the first time in 10 years managed to survive, barely! Haha!  I was the only one left standing! Fun times in our house!!

Despite the frustrations this month there is never a lack of joy in my life!

 Carson enjoying one of many diggers in our neighborhood
Mom and Daughter Date before Awana (Erik was home sick)

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