Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Erik at 5!

What is Erik like at 5??

This past few months has been one of independence for Erik!  It's good in a lot of ways as he displays a lot of confidence in social scenes/classroom, is pretty self sufficient, and can be a good helper.  It is also frustrating though!  He frequently is mouthy and disobedient which is very frustrating.  We take away his favorite toys and send him to his room as a consequence but that doesn't really seem to be effective. So, I have started to take away bigger things - soccer practice.  I hate doing that too him but I do feel it is important that he learns to respect his parents, peers, teachers, and siblings and that may make for a few missed practices.

Erik started pre-K this fall.   He LOVES school and has done well so far! He has quickly made friends and talks a lot about a boy named Kayden.  Erik takes the bus to and from school most days which might be his favorite thing about school.  Haha! 

Erik seems to excel at math - he can do some addition and subtraction as well as count to 100 with minimal help.  He knows all his letters and letter sounds but has NO interest in learning how to read.  In fact, if I try to work with him on a BOB book (or some equivalent) he just crosses his arms and says, "I am NEVER going to learn how to read!"  Okay then dear boy!  Erik still loves books and likes to be read too.

Erik's favorite things are the civil war, soccer, playing with James, and games on the computer/watching movies (this is very limited). He says he wants to be a Blue Angel pilot when he grows up. 

He loves Lainey and Carson and for the most part is very sweet with them.  He doesn't bicker much with Lainey at all (yay!) but at times is too rough and unkind to both Carson and Lainey.  

Erik has completely given up naps but I require him to stay in his room for an hour most afternoons.

Erik loves to spend one on one time with us so I try to take him to the grocery store or on a walk or to a coffee shop once a week or so.  

He has definitely shed all of his "babyhood" this year!  
We love you dearly sweet boy! 

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