Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Notable Moments - Lainey

We switched Lainey to her "big girl" bed a few days ago.  She has done really well although more than once has come out of her room at nap time.  Today when I put her down for her nap she came out twice.  She didn't really fuss just stood by her door with a big sad lip whimpering.  I rubbed her back for a minute and she went to sleep (after I left the room of course!).

I have not been feeling great (head cold) plus I am very pregnant so I took a nap while the kids were napping today.  I turned Lainey's monitor up really loud as I wasn't sure what she would do if she woke up first. 

Well, I woke up about 1.5 hours after I laid down.  I KNEW the second I woke up that Lainey had to be awake already.  Sure enough her bedroom door was open and she was no where to be found.  Great.

I quickly went downstairs, calling out to Lainey,  not sure what I was going to find.  I was slightly panicked as Lainey can open the doors to get outside if they are not dead bolted (they all were thankfully). 

As soon as I got downstairs I see Lainey perched in the middle of the couch "reading" a book.  When she noticed me she looked up and said....

Lainey:  " Hi mama!"  "Shh!  Baby nap."

She had tucked her baby doll under a blanket and it was laying next to her on the couch.

Me:  What are you doing Lainey??

Lainey:  Choo choo book!

Me:  You are down here all by yourself?  Did you look for mommy after you woke up? 

Lainey:  Mama nap.

No concern from her at all.  She went back to "reading" her book. 

Yikes!  She does make me laugh although I am extremely grateful nothing bad happened as 20 month old kids really probably shouldn't be taking care of themselves.

Her door handle has now been reversed so we can lock her in her room if we happen to be sleeping at the same time that she is asleep.  Little stinker! 


Tami S said...

You could consider putting a gate at her bedroom door. We've all felt the "bad mom" moments at some point or another. How smart of her to go and read!

Our family said...

We do have gates and thought about using that but I think that would piss her off more than having the door closed (aka locked) when needed. I also don't want to use a gate because then her door has to stay open which means she will be able to hear the baby squacking when it is up at night.

It is a good thing she didn't get too adventurous!

Austin & Terri said...

I think this is the cutest!!

Kristal said...

"Mama nap." Yep. Mama nap. Mama super tired, sick, and 36 weeks pregnant.