Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Is a pretty big deal around here today! 
I am going to make you guess the significance though!  Ha! 
Here are a few clues....

1) 33 is equal to 233
2) 25.9
3) 11/26/05 - our anniversary; only mentioned as this is the starting point towards the "50" milestone!

Any guesses??


Nicki said...

victor turns 50 today?? hehe!

Unknown said...

Victor and you were married on 11/26/05. He was 33 and you 25.9 years old.

Julie said...

Is it the anniversary of when Victor proposed, and when he did he sent you 50 roses?

Anonymous said...

Quite interesting:

I guess:
1) 33 :that's Victor marry with Ann's age

2) 25.9: that's Ann marry with Victor's age

3) 11/26/05 Ann & Victor "WEDDING" date

Kristal said...

You've been married 50 months.