Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Preschool Christmas Party

Lainey loves Erik's school and struts around as though she is one of the students.  It is pretty funny.  The teacher's know her by name (even though Erik has only been to school 5 times).  Lainey was very happy she got to stay at school for a little while today.

The Christmas party just consisted of 4 activities - kids were divided into groups of 4 or 5.  It was simple and the kids had fun. Lainey participated in all of the activities.  Erik was being a stinker and not cooperating if I was anywhere near him.  Err!  Annoying.  The teachers say he is a "model student" during the regular school days.

I am planning on putting Erik in the 3 year old class again next year because those are the kids he will be in kindergarten with (rather then keeping him with his current classmates who will be a year ahead of him).  Erik's teachers teach both the 3 and 4 year old program.  Assuming the teachers stay the same they will be teaching my kids for 6 years in a row!  Longer than that if we decide to have 4 kids (don't read into this - this is not the current plan).  We will know them well! 

2010- Erik 3 year program
2011-Erik 3 yr program
2012-Erik 4 yr program/Lainey 3 yr program
2013-Lainey 4 yr program
2014-Baby boy - 3 yr program
2015-Baby boy - 4 yr program

This makes me chuckle!  Good thing I really like the teachers!

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