Thursday, December 2, 2010

First Day of Preschool!

Erik started preschool today.  He had a great day!  His teachers seem really wonderful -- they are both young grandmas -- late 40's/ early 50's (although one has an 11 year daughter at home--  her oldest kid is 25 years old).  They were really kind and friendly.  They said that Erik had a fun time and acted as though he had been going there for weeks already.  

He seemed quite comfortable when I dropped him off and was a happy little boy when I picked him up.  He is old enough now to relay a lot of his day to me which is cute. Here are a few things he said about his first day at school.....

1) Were any kids sad?

"Yes, a little girl named Elisa was crying because she wanted her dad.  She felt better after the teachers gave her a hug."

2) What did you do?

"The teachers read a book to us about a pretend ship.  I climbed the reading tower.  I brought a bag up in the tower with 2 bottles and 3 balls in it.  There was another little boy in the tower with me.  I don't know his name."

3) What was your favorite part of the day?

"Playing outside.  There is a big playground but the swings were wet so they were closed today.  I rode a trike and a scooter."

4) Did you do anything else?

"We did a project with stars.  The water table was closed today though.  It had a blue lid on it.  The teachers put the water into the sink."

His post-nap wake up was very difficult though.  He only slept 1 1/2 hours this afternoon and has been going to bed late this week because we have visitors and have let him push his normal bedtime a bit.  He ended up spending quite a bit of the afternoon crying and hiding out in his room (I locked his door for about 5 minutes and then opened it but he just stayed up in his room crying and throwing a fit for about an hour).  I am not sure what started it but it was a long trying afternoon for all of us.

I am so happy that he seemed to love school though!  It makes me feel good about putting him in that program.  From a diversity stand point I was shocked -- there are 19 kids with 2 teachers.  2 mixed kids from what I can tell (including Erik) and 2-3 Asian kids (I can't remember for sure).  I thought they would all be straight up white kids -- happy that there is some diversity.

1 comment:

akbwilliams said...

Those are some lucky teachers having Erik!