Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Baby It's Cold Outside

 Not quite as cold as it is in WI but still quite chilly (9 degrees with the wind).  Lainey didn't seem to mind and snoozed during our morning walk like most mornings.  She was wrapped up in 3 blankets in addition to her winter gear.
Erik is not feeling well.  He told me yesterday at lunch that his stomach was sick but didn't actually get sick at all.  Both kids have colds so he was coughing but had no other symptoms.  I sent him to school this morning - he was okay but looked really tired when I picked him up. 

He was still complaining of a stomachache after school but ate lunch and dinner.  This evening he had a temp of 101.3 and was fairly lethargic. I am guessing it is just a virus but if he is still sick on Thursday I'll have the doctor check for strep when I take Lainey in for her 18 month appointment.

I am hoping he is better in the morning.

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