Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Baby Talk - Bird and Bees Style

This afternoon I was laying on the couch.  Both kids were sitting on top of me.  I asked Erik what he thinks we should name the baby (we still haven't decided for sure) which led to this conversation....

Erik:  We will have to name the baby boy in my tummy too. The same as yours Mommy!

Me: What do you think we should name him?

Erik:  I don't know Mommy.  He is still very tiny so we don't have to name him yet.

Me:  Well, the baby is actually getting pretty big now.  I showed him a photo of a 26-27 week baby and approximated with my fingers how long the baby is now.

Erik:  If he is that big Mommy how is he going to get out?

Me:  (Oh dear!)  Well, when the baby is ready to be born Mommy and Daddy will go to the hospital and the doctor will help the baby get out.

Erik: How Mommy?

Me:  Well, God makes a special opening for the baby when he is ready to come out.

Erik:  Through your penis Mommy?

Me:  Uh no!  A different opening that only Mommy's have.

Erik:  Where is it? 

Me:  (Great!) By my bottom.

Erik:  (Wide eyes)  Oh.  Okay. When my baby gets bigger I'll have to go to the doctor to get him out too.

Me:  Well, your baby is just pretend honey.

Erik:  No it's not!  It's real!

Me:  We'll see honey.

Erik:  Mommy, did you know that at the baby doctor there is a green tank with oil in it?

Me: No, I didn't.  Is it for baby's?

Erik:  Noooo Mommy!  It's for your car in case you need oil to fix it.

Me:  Oh.  Okay.  Thanks for letting me know honey!

He is thinking about this baby and very excited to meet his brother!


Anonymous said...

Karen Cunningham:
so cute, ann...i have recently had similar convos with sean...he is constantly asking if someone has a penis or just a bottom...i don't embarrass easily, but when he asked my 83yo grandfather if he had a penis, i nearly passed out.

Anonymous said...

Leslie Lundahl McCleary: So sweet!!!

Anonymous said...

Alma Hoffmann: I just read it! Wao! He must really be impressed with the fact that there is a baby in your tummy! So awesome! My boy was only 1yr and so when I got pregnant with my daughter so it didn't face him. It still does not face him and he seems to be oblivious to it! That is hilarious that you had that conversation! :-)

Anonymous said...

Robyn Martinson Barclay:
My friend got a call from the daycare/preschool DIRECTOR one day because her 4-year-old daughter was showing her friends her "special baby hole!" I think it is refreshing that at this age, they are just so scientific and matter-of-fact about it all! Why not share your new knowledge with your friends???!!!

Anonymous said...

Jill Jeannette Nagel:
That is how it was with Alaina. Once I took her to work with me on a Sat. She stopped a doctor in the hall and asked if he would help get the baby out. Thankfully it was a doc I know very well!

Anonymous said...

Patricia Lee:
Erik is so bright! His mommy is so wise!!