Monday, December 20, 2010

Notable Quotes- Erik

1) Erik loves his little sister.  I frequently called Lainey "Sweetie."  Erik mimics this but has his own version.  At least 2-3 times a day he will say to Lainey, "How are you my Sweet Tea?"  Two separate words.  So cute!

2) Erik is convinced that he also has a baby in his tummy.  It is a boy, just like mine, and for the past few months is going to be born in "2 more days."  He tells Lainey all about how we are going to have 2 new babies and has Lainey feel his baby kick.  I think this is so cute - not sure when he will figure it isn't really true. 

Feeling the baby

3) Erik is a pretty shy 3 year old therefore, he hasn't blurted too many embarrassing things outloud while in public.  Recently he was playing with Grandpa Miin and I overheard him ask, "Grandpa, Do you need to go poopies?"  We ask Erik this if he is extra gassy - I guess, when you are 3, it would only make sense to ask other people that as well.  Sorry Grandpa!

1 comment:

Karen and John said...

I have never been more embarrassed than when Sean (back in late October) asked my grandfather the following: "Great you have a penis?" I know that I turned bright red.