Lainey --
You are a sweet, funny 18 month old little girl now. You have changed SO much this month. You do not seem like a baby at all anymore. Amazing how fast time goes!
Here is what you are up to now....
-still picky; eat well some weeks and other weeks almost nothing
-No vegetables actually get swallowed except for black beans, olives, and corn
- Very good at eating independently with a spoon, fork, and regular glasses
Shirt off (because she kept taking it off) drinking out of a regular cup |
-Still only have 8
-Still taking 2 naps a day. The morning nap I limit to 30 minutes. You usually sleep 1.5-2 hours in the afternoon
- You usually sleep from approximately 7:30 pm - 6:00 am (not at all uncommon for you to be up by 5:30)
-You sleep through the night unless you are sick - which recently has been quite a bit
- You have a favorite blanket now but will still sleep without it. You do like to snuggle in it before bed and carry it with you when you first get up from sleeping.
-You had a double ear infection 2 weeks ago (#6). You have a crummy cold again and your right ear looks a little pink again but not actually infected yet -- we'll see what the doctor thinks at your appointment Thursday. I am hoping it clears on its own.
-You talk a LOT! All day long. It is so cute! I am sure you initiate saying at least 50 words but can say more than that. Occasionally you will put two words together - not often though.
-You sometimes call Victor by name (like Erik does) which I find hilarious
-Short list of things you say.... Stop, Out, OW, Off, Uh Oh, Down, Up, Dog, Erik, Mama, Dada, Victor, Papa, Mine, No, Please, Milk, Water, Wet, Diaper, Butt, Poop, Baby, Duck, Truck, Hot, Fire, Button, Hat, Blanket, Bird, Cheese, Computer, Apple, Ball, Choo Choo, Kitty, Bed, Puzzle, Hi, Hello, Bye. There are more but I can't think of them at the moment.
-You tell me whenever you poop and often when you have a wet diaper. You will sometimes bring me a diaper and ask to be changed. I am thinking about getting out the potty chair after Christmas and having you sit on it a few times a day to see what happens.
-You are already in the " All By Myself" stage! Erik has never really gone through this so this is new for me! :)
-You can get your own pants on and off. You try SO desperately to get your shirt and jacket on but can't. You get SO mad when we have to get you dressed. You like to take your shirt off and do frequently throughout the day.
- You know a lot of body parts -- hands, arms, feet, legs, head, eyes, ears, nose, mouth, belly button, butt, bottom.
-You can do 2 eight piece board puzzles on your own! I am so surprised that you are able to do this already. I don't know if Erik just wasn't interested or if you are just "super smart" but I know that he didn't do puzzles until much later than 18 months.
-I have heard you "counting" 1,2,3 to yourself a couple of times. I am certain you have no idea what it means but it is funny to hear you repeat what I must say to Erik throughout the day!
-You LOVE music and dance whenever it is playing. At library story hour you are starting to be able to follow along and do the correct dance moves at the appropriate time. This is so cute! Erik on the other hand has never liked music and sits on the floor like a lump of coal during the musical aspect of story hour. You want Erik to participate too and always grab him by the hand and say, "UP!" He doesn't listen!
- You also love coloring, playing with Erik and imitating what he does, babies, and dogs!
You are really a joyful little girl. You love people and attention. You have a silly sense of humor and make me laugh out loud at least 2-3 times a day. You are loved more than you know!
18 month stats:
Height: 32.75 inches (80%)
Weight: 22 pounds (17%)
(Erik was 32.5 inches and 24lb 12 ounces at 18 months.)