Thursday, April 12, 2012

Too Much Sugar?

When we completed the 14 week food challenge I was amazed at how much added sugar we were eating, even without many processed foods in our diet.  It is hidden everywhere!  Gross.  My favorite food blog, the place I found the 14 week food challenge, had an interesting post today and I wanted to share it with you.

If you have never tried cutting out ALL sweeteners for a week I urge you to try it.  I think you will find it easier than you might expect and will likely be surprised at how much better you feel.  We don't cut it out completely on a daily basis but we are much more aware of what sugar we are eating.

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

i feel the same way about how many grains we consume daily! so many snacks could easily be replaced by whole foods--nuts, fresh fruits & veggies, dried fruits, a bite of cheese, peanut butter, etc! one day i'll cut out sugar for a week and i'm sure i'll feel great, but right now being off dairy and gluten is PLENTY! i'm counting the days to add dairy back and see how it goes. gluten, surprisingly, doesn't bother me much.