Monday, April 23, 2012

Sad puppy?

On my walk through the park this morning I spotted these and took a photo for the kiddos....

I miss my sweet babies, worse after skyping with them today as Lainey looked like a 
sad little puppy dog.  She had her lip stuck out and would barely look at me.  Poor thing.
Thankfully, they are in good hands with my mom and Aunt Cyndy so I have no worries about their care.

I am definitely more sore today, worse in the morning than afternoon.
I moved onto stronger pain meds (just one dose before bed last night) which helped but it must have made me more groggy that I thought as when I called Nicki and Victor to check on their flights shortly after getting up they both thought I sounded drunk.  Ha!

In the words of the transplant coordinator, no pain no gain, as the pain is secondary to the marrow expansion, stretching the periostium which causes pretty significant pain.
Bring on the pain, I guess! :)

I am so glad to be a match and even if Kevin or Colin had matched Daron (they don't) I still would have arm wrestled them for the opportunity to be the donor.  

That being said, every ounce of me wishes that Daron didn't need a bone marrow transplant. 
There is so much that is crappy about him having leukemia.
The week we found out he was going to need a BMT I could not sleep.
Being out here, spending time with Daron and Feifei has been great.
Daron is starting to feel better after a difficult round of chemo and longer than expected hospital stay.
His spirit is still strong, and somehow, even though he is the sick one, I always go away feeling encouraged after spending time with him. :) 

We don't know for sure when the transplant will take place.
They sometimes try to match the harvest with the transplant date but since I live so far away 
and the transplant date isn't set in stone yet (sometime in May) they are going to do the harvest while I 
am out here (Wednesday/Thursday) and then will freeze it so it's available for Daron when needed.
Two hematologists have reassured us that freezing is just as safe as fresh.

Victor made it here after a short delay in Milwaukee, we will try to get him in the photos tomorrow. 
Thanks for all the prayers and support from everyone.

1 comment:

Austin & Terri said...

Thinking of you and am so sorry you are in pain!