Friday, April 6, 2012

Good Friday

It's good Friday.  Prepping the kids for Easter this year has been fun.  I have been spending extra time reading bible stories and watching videos regarding Easter with Erik.  He has been really, really interested in it and has some good questions.

" So Mom, how do our bodies float up to heaven?"
I love watching 4 year old brains work.

This Easter season my heart is heavier than normal so at the same moment that I am teaching my sweet, innocent (somewhat - the boy has an attitude at times!!) 4 year old about Jesus dying on the cross for us there are doubts flying around in my head and heart more than normal.  

Of course, trials are normal part of life.  Having faith in God doesn't protect us from burdens and sorrow.  I wish it did, but it doesn't.  

I realized recently that my faith is a bit shallower than I would like to admit.  It's there and secure but not as deep as it might be.  My cousin Julie kindly reminded me that as a Christian, no matter what our circumstances, we should always have faith that there is a reason for our trials and that there is always hope!  She is right.  I love that her faith is so strong, secure, and unwavering.  I hope and pray that my kids will have the same sense of security in their faith when they are my age.  Please Lord help me show them that! 

 As most of you reading this know, Daron has Leukemia.  He has been doing well and had a wonderful wedding celebration in March.  He is now preparing for a bone marrow transplant though which is going to be very trying and difficult on his body.

Thankfully, Daron and I are a "perfect" match so I will be flying out to California in a couple of weeks to join him in the transplant process.  I will be out there for 2.5 weeks which is why I have been working so hard at weaning Carson (NOT working!).  It's going to be an interesting time for my mom as she will likely end up forcibly weaning the poor baby.

Prayer requests this Easter season....

Daron, as you may have guessed, is a bit more private/quiet than I am so I don't have anything more specific than requesting that his body be completely healed and the transplant goes well!!  

I will be away from the kids for 2.5 weeks please be praying that they (and I) handle it okay.  I am most worried about Carson and the weaning issue. ( I did get him to swallow one sip of rice milk today which is an improvement over any combination of cow's milk.)  Additionally, I feel like he might think I just up and disappeared (abandoned him) since he has know way of knowing why I am gone.  

I am very grateful to be Daron's match.  It's an honor to be able to participate in the transplant.  That being said, I am quite anxious about a portion of the donation where they give me Neupogen and hyperstimulate my bone marrow.  If you could please pray that I have peace about this I would appreciate it. (The doctor's are fairly confident it is safe but it is a newish drug with minimal long term safety data.)  

For my parents and aunt as they watch my kids (mom for 3 weeks, Dad for 4-5 days, and my aunt Cyndy for 4-5 days. (Victor  will join me during the last week of my "trip.")

For Feifei - Daron's best friend and new wife!  She is an amazing companion for him.  We are so thankful for her.  

Again, complete healing for Daron.  He is a quiet pillar of strength who has handled this terrible trial with grace and dignity.  

Thank you!

I leave you with this song that has reminded that there is hope and joy no matter what trials we are facing!

Happy Easter!


julie said...

I promise my faith is not unwaivering! I often have a hard time getting my head and heart to connect and it's much easier for me to trust God when I'm not directly in the middle of a trial. I do know He loves you.
Matthew 10:29 Are not two sparrows sold for a cent? And yet not one of them will fall to the ground apart from your Father. 30 But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. 31 So do not fear; you are more valuable than many sparrows.

Ben and Robyn said...

Wow, Ann. That is amazing that you are going to be able to give Daron such a gift. You don't have to worry at all about "teaching" your children to be good, faithful, loving people...they get to grow up watching you be a wonderful example of all of those things! I will certainly be thinking of you, Daron, and the rest of your family in the coming weeks.

Kristal said...

Oh, Ann. So much to have on your shoulders. I can hardly handle just thinking about it. I will be praying.