Monday, April 23, 2012

Day 2 of shots are done!

Nicki and I spent the day exploring the downtown (shopping district) area and Chinatown.
We also spent a bit of time down at the Piers (cheesy-cheap shops).
We had hoped to take a ferry to Alcatrez but it was sold out.
Our day ended with an excellent dinner with Daron and Feifei.
Shots #3 and 4 are done.  
I almost wimped out with shot number 3!
(Good thing Nicki was there to make fun of me for being a wimp).
  I am fairly achy but tylenol has controlled the pain okay so far.
(Walking around seems better than laying down which, if you know me well at all, is excellent.)
So far so good.


mom2mlg said...

Sorry that I haven't comment sooner but I have been praying for you all since you first shared the news. Hope your shots and preparations continue to go well. So happy to hear that moving feels better than sitting. Such a blessing!

Jesse said...

I've been reading all your posts, but I'm stinky at commenting--I wanted to tell you I think what you're doing is amazing and will continue to pray for all of you! Thank you for keeping us all posted!