Thursday, April 19, 2012

Happy Birthday Grandma!

So Grandma Kay is here watching over the kids while Ann is starting
the donation workups in San Francisco, and today is her birthday!

I'm not sure from the photo above if the kids were happy to sing and
have cake (twice) today.

I do know that since Grandma came, they:

1. no longer like jelly on their PB&J, just like Grandma
2. prefer Grandma to read them books
3. prefer Grandma to give them baths
4. prefer Grandma to take them on walks
5. prefer Grandma to take them to the park

Grandma's been a great help this week, and we're very thankful for her
willingness to come out during this stressful time.

Happy Birthday Grandma Kay, we love you!

1 comment:

Our family said...

That photo makes me miss baby Carson so much! His little smile is so so sweet.