Monday, August 5, 2013

Speed Up, Slow Down - Here's comes kindergarten

 I am very tired of being pregnant.  While we have almost nothing ready for the baby (sorry #4) I would be thrilled if I were full term (37 weeks) now instead of at the end of August.  So in that regard I really would like the month of August to speed up. :)

On the other hand, Erik is only two weeks away from going to kindergarten!  All day, every day for 180 days he will be gone from 9:00 to 4:00.  That is very difficult for me to think about.  He went to one week of all day camp this summer and I had to remind myself over and over that he was fine and I didn't need to go get him early. :) Thinking about him being on that schedule M-F for 9 months makes me sad and a little anxious. He will be fine.  In fact, I think he'll love school.  But it will be a big transition for us both.  Coming up on this milestone makes me extra thankful I took 5 years off of work completely.  Working part-time doesn't feel like a big sacrifice in regards to parenting/spending time with my kids.  It just reminds me how fortunate I am to have been able/willing to spend so much of my time with them (even when I want to pull my hair out because they are ...... again).

 All day school poses another issue.  Selfishly, because I have a helpful husband, I've often been able to go to the gym or take a walk around 6:00 pm 2-3 times a week while Victor plays with the kids and does baths.  Basically, once Victor gets home I can kind of shut off from primary parent mode (taking over as the assistant).  Well, now that Erik will be gone all day, I just don't think that's a great idea!  So this fall I be adjusting to a newborn, a first born going to all day kindergarten,  and needing to figure out a different way to fit in exercise/me time (this is extra tricky because I don't want to stick a newborn in a germ factory aka gym daycare.  Exercise/fitness is important to me not only feel makes me feel better, it also makes me a nicer person.).  Sound overwhelming to you?!  It does to me. :)   So, in that regard I really really want the month of August to crawl by. Ha!

Most days the desire to not be pregnant any longer  wins out! (Just to clarify I am not wishing for a preemie I just don't enjoy the span from 33-37 weeks of pregnancy very much.) 

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