Friday, August 16, 2013

Sick Day

I'm interrupting my unscheduled blog hiatus to complain.  I bet you're excited!   We've had quite a bit of fun during the past two weeks but I am now sick.  It's just a crummy cold but at 35 weeks, with three kids under my wings, and a husband out of town I am done.   Victor's work trip is only a few days but it is over his "furlough" Friday (he's worked most of them for the Navy) and Saturday which just makes me grumpy. 

Anyway, it seems a number of people at the wedding last weekend brought home the same bug.  Started with razor blades in my throat (Tuesday) and has progressed to a bad headache, sinus congestion, cough, low grade fever, and just generally feeling crappy. 

I'd have to say I'm glad that I have this now and not in 2-3 weeks because I'd hate to think about the possibility of laboring while feeling so crummy.  So far the kids and Victor seem fine.  The kids start school in a few days, if you'd pray that they stay healthy so they don't have to miss the first week of school (or go feeling bad) that'd be great.  Erik had pneumonia at the start of school last year and missed the first 3 days!  I am hoping not to repeat that scenario. 

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