Sunday, August 4, 2013

Joy Project

232) Beautiful weather - this summer has been the mildest since we first moved to the DC area (2007).  It's been in the 80's with only mild humidity for all but 2-3 weeks.  Quite amazing.

233)  Unstructured time with my kids.  This summer has been busy.  We went to WI immediately after school was out.  We had a few days of nothing after that but then the next 4-5 weeks involved a lot of 1/2 day camps/VBS. Plus I've been working 2 days week instead of one. Last week and the next two weeks before school starts (only 2 more weeks - can you believe it!) we've had a lot more free time (although I'm still working 2 days a week).  I'm so thankful for that - it's been a wonderful way to wrap up the summer.  Some of the things we've done include - a hike, trips to playgrounds, board games, bike rides, trip to the library, microwaving soap (thanks to pinterest and Kristal), baked cookies, played with friends, etc.  We've done those things all summer but they've been less hurried this week which was nice.

Pausing on our 4 mile hike 
Erik walked the whole way happily
Lainey made it for close to 3 miles - I was shocked and proud!
Erik was the best big brother during the hike.
When Lainey started to get tired he would hold her hand, tell her a joke to make 
her laugh, or "race" her so she'd forget she was tired.  (Unprompted by me!)
I usually walked ahead of them, but he would not leave her side.
It was really sweet.
Line up shot at the playground post-hike
3 tired and hungry kids

234)  Good friends - mine this time!  Completely unexpected my friend Laura asked me if she could organize a brunch/small shower for baby #4.  We are excited to meet our little guy but by baby #4 not even an ounce of me expected to have any kind of shower.  I'm so touched that she thought to organize a get together.  (It will be over Labor Day weekend when I am 37 weeks. - Ha!)

235) One on one time with all my kiddos.  During the past month I've been able to take each kid out separately.  Erik and I went out to dinner. Lainey went to my OB appointment with me, visited a friend up in the DC area and out to dinner.  Carson and I went on a "toffee" date and got groceries together.  I think each kid enjoyed their time with my full attention.  I had a lot of fun too. 

Kids don't come much cuter than this little guy, do they?
I know they don't come much happier.
He is such a sweet, fun little guy.
 Lainey, drawing a horse, on our date. :)
She's such a big kid now! 
She is very easy to take places and fun to be with.

Erik's always been my little buddy.
He has a very tender heart but has reached an age
where defiance seems to be more common that it was a year ago.
The date with him seemed especially beneficial for both of us.

Now I need to arrange a date with my husband before baby #4 arrives. 

236)  Family trip to Kings Dominion - separate post coming on that later

I have a list in my head of things I want to write about.  They include... the furlough (we are living on 80% of Victor's salary now - fun times!), kindergarten, and the day trip to Kings Dominion.  Look for those posts in the next few days.

Meanwhile, what brought you joy this week?!

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