Monday, August 19, 2013

Kindergarten Relief

Erik starts kindergarten in 36 hours!!  Lainey starts pre-k 24 hours after that!  This is a big week in our household! 

I am a little anxious about Erik being gone for 7.5 hours a day!  As a kid who's never spent anytime in daycare (the sitter he's had the past year on the days I've worked has come to our house) this is a big change for him (and me!). 

There are 6 kindergarten classes in his school.  They'd been having 27 kids in a class which made me nervous but enrollment has been down the past two years I guess.  So this year he only has 19!  That is a big relief. 

There is one kindergarten teacher who has a very, very bad reputation amongst parents. She was new to the district last year (not a new teacher) but every parent I know that had a kid in her class either switched schools completely or spent many hours in the principals office complaining.  I don't know if it would have been a problem for Erik as he's pretty easy going but man I am so thankful he didn't get her.

I personally know 2 of the other teachers and really like the both.  My top choice for him would be Mrs.  S and guess what?!  That's who he got.  I am so so thankful. 

She appears to kind and loving.  She seems to love the kids and her job.  At the same time she seems very organized and disciplined.   She has taught for 24 years.  I am very, very thankful. 

His teacher last year did fine last year academically but doesn't seem to like her job or the kids very much.  She's not awful but definitely not my favorite and I'm glad he will be in a different environment this year.  Lainey, being in pre-k this year will have the same teacher he did (there are only 2 half day pre-k classes so everyone has the same teacher).  I think she will be okay with that teacher too but I will be watching closely.  Thankfully both the teacher and aide in the pre-k class know me and seem to like me so if I have any concerns I think they'd be willing to listen to them.

Below is a note that Erik's teacher gave him tonight.  I am still feeling quite crappy and haven't slept in a week so even hearing the affectionate tone in this note made me a little teary (such a welcome change from last year). 

I surely hope I get some sleep these next two nights or I will be a hot mess on Wednesday!  Haha!

Erik's been visibly nervous about starting kindergarten although he could tell I was super excited about his teacher and he seemed quite excited about his classroom.  Lainey doesn't seem nervous at all.  I suspect to see some first day nerves from both of them later this week but know they will both do well!

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