Tuesday, November 27, 2012

We have a Winner!!

My friend and fellow blogger Karly Aust from Thailand sent  me a photo when the ticker was exactly 70,000!   She's a new mom of super cute Asian-Caucasion twins and was up nursing in the middle of the night (Thailand time) and may or may not have hit the refresh button a few times on the blog to get it to 70,000.  Ha!  You have to be clever to get ahead sometimes!

Congrats Karly!  I hope you love the yogurt maker as much as I do!!


Kristal said...

I'd planned to do that same darn thing, but wanted to wait until it was within 100 since I'm no longer nursing long enough to have so much free time! :)

Our family said...

Nursing long enough??? You aren't still nursing are you?! (Not that it matters - I just thought you'd stopped around 18 months.)