Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Prayer Requests

I have a few prayer requests, if you want to the add your own to the list feel free!

1) My Grandma's health -

 My 86 year old grandma is a tough cookie and my good friend!  Recently she had a recurrence of atrial fibrillation.  She was started on Digoxin which controlled her heart rate well.  Despite that she has still been really short of breathe which is unusual for her (she swims almost every day).  She saw the cardiologist this week and he switched her meds around and thinks the symptoms she is experiencing are secondary to a "tired heart muscle"  (aka likely early stages of heart failure).  So she now stopped the digoxin and increased her beta blocker.  She also is going to be starting a supplement called ubiquinone that is supposed to help with cardiac function.

In addition to that she's been having problems with her vision this week - lots of floaters.  Thankfully, at this point it is felt to be secondary to a vitreous detachment (not a retinal detachment) but this will be monitored pretty closely.

Anyway, please pray that my sweet grandma will feel better soon!

2) My dear friend Nicki!

She is expecting a baby just before Christmas and has been dealing with a number of frustrating health complications.  The baby is fine but poor Nicki hasn't been feeling well.  She actually suggested that she felt best during the first trimester.  I can't imagine that!!  Nicki is a glass 75% full kind of girl and rarely complains so when she says she is miserable, she really is quite miserable!

Please pray that she feels better and the baby stays put for another 2-3 weeks.

3) My poor baby!

Resting on my chest!

Carson is sick.  Last week Lainey had high fever and a chest cold for 5 days.  She's still coughing but overall feeling better.

Now poor Carson is sick.  High fevers (104) and a really bad cough.  He feels awful.  I am fairly convinced it is influenza as Victor, Erik, and I have all been immunized.  Erik has a very mild version of this bug (scratchy throat x 4 days) but no fever and feels fine.  Victor and I have been totally healthy so far.   There is no way to prove that that is what it is unless I take him to get tested but that would not influence his treatment or outcome so I'm not sure I'm going to do that.

Anyway, we are hoping to get out of town a bit and host Mike and Sonja over the weekend so we need the germs to vacate our house promptly!

Lainey last week - missed an entire week of school

4) Side note:  This is just random but I happened to have 2-3 servings of wheat on Sunday post-race.  First time I've have any wheat products in a month.  Wouldn't you know that since Sunday evening I've had an awful gut ache.  It feels better tonight but has been pretty crummy the last 48 hours (same gut ache I've gotten sporadically the past 3.5 years).  Very annoying.  I am fairly convinced it it wheat related but who knows maybe the correlation is in my head!

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