Monday, November 26, 2012

My Big Kid!

Erik really seems to have made the transition from preschooler to school kid this fall.  He is only in pre-kindergarten but acts very much like a kid in kindergarten.

Some of the things he's learned this fall include....

1) Reading!!

This is a new development in the past couple of weeks.  He learned sight words a month or two ago and that seemed to have flipped the switch for him.  He can now, very proudly, read quite a few level one books.  This has been so fun for me to watch!

2) Responsibility

Erik generally speaking is a rule follower, however, if he sees someone doing something "fun" he has often just gone along with it even if he knows he shouldn't.  So this fall I've been trying to teach him to abstain from "fun" activities and if it happens to be a sibling participating is poor behaviors (like overindulging in peanut butter) that he needs to report that to me.

I don't want to encourage tattling about dumb things but I do want him to communicate things that he sees that might not be safe or are obviously a no-no in our house.  I'm happy to say that he has been pretty good about this recently and it's been helpful.

3) Climbing trees

This is kind of goofy but Erik has gotten really good at climbing some big trees at our local playground. Hopefully, it won't end up in a broken arm.

 Can you see his feet in this photo? 

Pretty high up

1 comment:

Kristal said...

Darn, that went fast! My goodness. I checked yesterday and you were 69, 7_ _ something. Now I missed it by 31. So, if no one else turns it in, I have 70,031 for the yogurt maker.