Monday, November 5, 2012

Notable Moments: Erik

Erik's best buddy James was over this afternoon.  James is 2 years older than Erik and likes to give Erik lessons.  They tend be about counting money or math or sometimes church.  Well, today's lesson was about voting!

They were playing downstairs so I didn't hear the actual lesson but Erik brought it up later in the evening when we were on our way to Victor's volleyball game.

Erik:  Hey Mom! Are you voting tomorrow??
Me:  Yes, I thought you could come with me.
Erik:  Well, James wanted me to tell you to make sure you don't vote for that president that wants to take $5 out of everyone's piggy bank.
Me:  (hahaha!)  Oh really?!  Which president is that?!  (I think most presidents take money out of our piggy banks.)
Erik:  I don't remember.

Later in the car ride I was talking to my Grandma and telling her about this comical conversation. I must have mentioned Mitt Romney and Barack Obama by name because Erik suddenly shouted out, " Yeah!  Barack Obama, that's the one that wants to take money out of my piggy bank!"

Kids are so darn funny!  It's even funnier because I know and love James' parents and I know that they are fairly non-political and are not filling his head full of political ideas.

Tomorrow will be an interesting day.  I would guess that Obama will win.  We'll see what Erik and James have to say about that?!

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