Monday, February 4, 2013

Long Weekend Rambling!

We had a three day weekend curtesy of Victor's CWS day.  He is supposed to get every other Friday off.  Somehow it seems like he usually just has one Friday a month off but it's still better than none.   He has this because he works longer days on Monday-Thursday for the other 9 days, adding up to an extra day off every other week.  It's a great system!  This is the first time in our married life that Victor has had decent work hours.

The first couple of years he was working for GE and traveled (internationally) for 10-12 days a month, plus he was gone 3 days a month plus 2 weeks a year for the Navy.  It felt like he was never home.

Then we moved to DC (5.5 years ago) and he stopped traveling (yahoo!!!) but was gone for work 12-13 hours everyday.  That was still so much better than the traveling I would have never thought to complain.

The past two years he's been on a federal schedule.  His pay is quite a bit less than it was active duty navy but he is only gone 10ish hours a day and has 1-2 Fridays off a month.  He is traveling 3 days a month for the Navy again, sometimes more, but all in all it is an excellent schedule.  One I am quite thankful for.

So, anyway this weekend was a long one because he had the Friday off.  That was great because Friday evening we had a bunch of neighbors over for Crock Pot Friday.  Victor cleaned the house while I ran errands and cooked for the evening.

I love our neighbors!  This winter we've been getting together almost weekly for dinner so the kids can play and we can chat.  It's a very low key fun event.  This Friday there were 14 kids at our house and for 2+ hours they just played nicely together, no intervention needed from the parents.  Pretty impressive!

Saturday evening I went out for dinner with some friends for a going away dinner.  My friend Katie is moving to Seattle.  I love living in a military community but you certainly end up saying good-bye a lot which is tough!

Military families are pretty amazing!  In December four families I know moved to California/Seattle.  All of them have 3 small kids (well one has two but she is 6+ months pregnant with #3).  They all DROVE from MD to California/Seattle.  I can't fathom driving across the country with my crew but they made it seem almost fun.  (One poor family of 5 caught the stomach bug the last day of travel and spent the whole day driving while the 3 kids puked in the back seat.  Ugh! The parents had been sick the night before.)

Saturday Carson had a high fever (103.7) but no other symptoms.  He's been fever free since Sunday morning and never had any other symptoms.  Who knows?  Since he'd been sick on Saturday I stayed home from church with him yesterday.

Victor and I did catch the half time show and second half of the superbowl last night since it was free online (we have no TV).  I found the power outage to be quite hilarious.  Happy for my MD friends that the Ravens won but I really like the 49'ers QB so I would have liked it for his sake if they won.  Overall, I really don't care!

I hope your weekend was a fun one!

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