Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Land of the Sick

Well, I started the germ parade that's currently marching through our house.  I had the stomach flu last Thursday evening - Saturday morning.  During that 48 hours, the trio all started coughing and sneezing.  Lainey and Erik still just have colds (fine for school) but Carson has now spiked a high temp, has fluid in his ears, and a terrible cough with mild wheezing.  We are running his nebulizer (with albuterol)3x a day hoping to avoid the bad respiratory issues he had in November.  To top that off Victor told me this morning on his way to work that his stomach was bugging him.  He still worked all day but didn't eat and has a fever tonight.

Doesn't that sound fun?  Poor Victor will be home alone with the trio tomorrow as I have been threatened by my medical assistant (MA) that they will likely be printing my death certificate if I don't show up at work tomorrow.  (Tomorrow's schedule is the busiest it's ever been since I've gone back to work.) Haha!  So off to work I will go!  It's not often that a sick husband gets left alone with sick kids.  Wonder how he will fare?  Still him in your prayers tonight please (and add in that the trio doesn't get the stomach bug in addition to their respiratory bugs please!).

Jealous anyone?

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