Saturday, February 9, 2013

Joy Project!

Victor is out of town again - just for 5 days - but that's long enough for us!  It's amazing how much easier it is to handle the kids on my own now compared to a year ago.  I am thankful for that!

103)  Thankful that Victor's trips are generally limited to 3-7 days at a time and are usually only once a month or less. (I have many friends with husbands who are gone for a month at a time or more.  Even more amazing than that is that these families rarely ever complain about the sacrifice that comes so frequently to military families.)

104) 3 kids that sleep through the night - that's why handling them on my own is so much easier.  Sleep makes a big difference.

105) A new children's museum in the DC area.  I took the kids there yesterday after I picked Erik up from school.  It's an hour from our house (without traffic) but it was a fun way to spend a rainy afternoon.  The DC museum does not compare to the Baltimore museum (it's awesome!) but it is closer so that's where we went.  The kids played hard to 2.5 hours, we ate an early dinner and then headed home.  Carson didn't sleep on the way home but was so so tired he threw the largest fit ever when we got back.  Yelling, screaming, slamming the doors to our TV hutch, failing about, gagging, etc.  He refused to get into the bath and finally collapsed into a naked heap on the bathroom floor clinging to his baba (blanket).  He managed to calm himself down and went to bed right after that (6:30 PM).  Poor guy!  I don't do well when I'm tired either buddy! :)

106)  A tender hearted daughter.  She likes to tuck her baby into bed before she takes a nap or goes to bed.  She does it so sweetly.  I love it!

107) Carson's weekly "gym" class.  It's basically a bunch of free play but he LOVES it and I love seeing him have so much fun.

What brought you Joy this week?


Mike & Karly said...

sweet giggles from my baby boy each morning... he is such a morning person! makes getting up so much easier!

Mike & Karly said...

had to laugh about carson falling into a naked heap. so funny.