Wednesday, February 1, 2012

January Budget

How did we do??

Total Saved (of V's federal paycheck):  $45

What were the big expenses??

Food:  I spent $748 on groceries this month which is the highest our food bill has been during the 14 months I have been tracking.  Eating "real food" isn't cheap but we do feel better since eliminating most processed food from our diets.

Medical: $105 -- Most of this is due to the fact we switched pediatricians.  All 3 kids and myself had "meet and greet" doctor's appointments which we had to pay a co-pay for ($80).  Expensive switch but I do really like her so I think it is worth it.

Gas: $215

Kid stuff:  This month we spent $900 dollars on kid activities. This included preschool for Erik, 3 mornings a month for Lainey at "mothers day out", tae kwon do, gymnastics, preschool registration for next year, and a babsitter for one date night.  $900!!!  I know all these activities are optional but I want my kids to be well rounded and active.  This month was worse than normal but it still seems somewhat unbelievable how much kid stuff costs and none of my kids are in daycare or school age yet.  Yikes!

Next month we don't have nearly as many kid costs but I am going to San Francisco so that will certainly up our expenses a bit - well worth it of course!

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